Results of the ESEE Board elections held in November 2014

As ESEE, we have been holding two separate elections in November-December 2014, one for ordinary Board Members and one for Student Representative. The aim was to fill the positions of 7 Board Members and one Student Representative for the period 2015-2017.

In the board member elections, we had 7 candidates standing for the 7 positions open in the board. 90 members of the 316 ESEE members in 2014 voted, so that the 20% quorum was fulfilled.

Candidates and results are as follows:

1. Timothy Foxon | Board Member | 81%

2. Nina Eisenmenger | Board Member | 78%

3. Felix Rauschmayer | Board Member | 77%

4. Jasper Kenter | Board Member | 73%

5. György Pataki | Board Member | 72%

6. Olivier Petit | Board Member | 71%

7. Nuno Videira | Board Member| 67%

According to these results, Nina Eisenmenger, Timothy Foxon, Olivier Petit, and Nuno Videira have been reelected and Jasper Kenter, György Pataki, and Felix Rauschmayer are our new board members. In total, ESEE board has now 13 ordinary members.

In the student representative elections, we had 4 candidates standing for one position available. The 20% quorum was only fulfilled when the deadline for voting was extended for one week. In total, 43 members of the 206 ESEE student members (paying and non-paying) voted.

Candidates and results are as follows:

1. Ellen Stenslie | Student Representative | 44%

2. Vivien Lunda | Student Representative | 33%

3. Harald Wieser | Student Representative | 16%

4. Nils Droste | Student Representative | 7%

According to these results, Ellen Stenslie has been elected as the new student representative. In total, the ESEE board has now 2 student representatives: Leslie Carnoye and Ellen Stenslie.

We would like to cordially thank to all ESEE members who took part in the elections and congratulate all candidates who have been elected.

On behalf of the election committee,

Begum Ozkaynak, ESEE Secretary