The Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources at the University of Freiburg invites applications for a
Full Professorship (W3) for Sustainability Governance
in the department of Environmental Social Science and Geography to be filled by October, 1st 2015. This professorship is particularly suitable as a starting position for highly qualified early career researchers. The candidate should possess an international research profile and be committed to research and teaching excellence at the interface between sustainability science and inter- and transdisciplinary science studies.
She/He is expected to provide conceptual and methodological contributions to the analysis and assessment of instruments and processes of sustainability governance, to the evaluation of different forms of scientific advice to policy and society as well as to the conceptualization of inter- and transdisciplinary forms of research and teaching.
Further duties include teaching and program coordination especially within the M.Sc. program Environmental Governance (MEG) as well as teaching and course development in other German and English taught Bachelor, Master and PhD programs of the Faculty and beyond (esp. M.Sc. Forest Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Renewable Energy Management as well as Graduate School Environment, Society and Global Change).
We are looking for a personality that is excellently-recognized in the areas mentioned and has skills to interdisciplinary collaborations, successful project management and persuasive teaching. The development of an active, nationally and inter-nationally networked workgroup is expected. The readiness for active external funding from public and private sources, as well as to participate in interdepartmental activities of the university is required.
The University of Freiburg seeks to increase the number of female scientific faculty members and therefore strongly encourages qualified women to apply for the position. The university is committed to providing a family-friendly workplace.
Applicants with disabilities will be given preferential consideration in case of equal qualification.
Prerequisites for the employment of Professors are a university degree, an outstanding dissertation and an excellent publication record. Substantial achievements and experience in academic research and teaching, at the level of a Habilitation according to the German academic system, are expected.
Additional Conditions of employment are:
- Experience and demonstrated excellence (based on peer reviewed publications) in the research area of Sustainability Governance;
- Competence in the acquisition and successful completion of externally funded research projects and in the establishment of national and international research networks;
- Have excellent didactic skills and proof their ability to teach successfully in German and English language;
- Demonstrate leadership skills, excellent ability to communicate, to work in teams, to forge cooperation in research and teaching, to foster inter- and transdisciplinary dialogue with colleagues from the natural sciences, engineering and the social sciences within the faculty and the university;
- Willingness to participate in management and development process within the faculty and the university and contribute effectively in university administration matters.
The following application documents are to be submitted:
- Curriculum vitae
- Certificates of degrees and academic qualifications as well as references
- Complete list of papers and invited lectures including the citation index google scholar (h-index as well as i10-index and optional in addition others)
- Copies of the 5 most important recent publications
- List of current and previous projects including the financial support received
- Teaching portfolio including methods applied and evaluation by students and/or colleagues (the required form can be downloaded under
- Concept of future research and teaching foci envisaged.
For the preparation of documents please also see the information of the Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources at
In addition, we require the completed application form provided at Submit this form together with the above-mentioned supporting documents stating the reference number 9058 by 23.01.2015 at the latest.
Please send your application in digital form and as a hard-copy to the following address:
An den Vorsitzenden der Berufungskommission Sustainability Governance, Dean Prof. Dr. Tim Freytag, Tennenbacherstr. 4, 79106 Freiburg, Germany
Or via e-mail to
Further information on the appointment procedure can be found in the Code for Practice for professorial appointments, available under