Research Fellow in Systemic Approaches to Low Carbon Transitions

The Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy (CCCEP), which brings together some of the world’s leading interdisciplinary researchers on climate change economics and policy, is funding this Research Fellow position at the University of Leeds. The research will undertake a systemic, co-evolutionary analysis of low-carbon innovation, combining historical insights, case studies of current best practice, and future implications. The scope includes both demand-side and supply-side options, in order to estimate how rapidly a low carbon transition can be achieved, while taking into account barriers to change, alongside potential social and economic benefits. The aim is to synthesize this analysis into a quantitative framework intended to test potential policy changes, and thus provide policy guidance.

You will be based at the University of Leeds and join a research team led by Dr Julia Steinberger and Professor Peter Taylor in SRI at the University of Leeds and Professor Tim Foxon in the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) at the University of Sussex, who all have experience in applied and policy relevant research in the fields of energy and climate mitigation.

Closing Date: Thursday, October 15, 2015

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