Postdoc – Ecosystem Services in Landscapes facing Climate Change – Bayreuth

Postdoc in Ecosystem Services
Deadline: June 1st 2023
Start date: October 1st 2023
Location: Bayreuth, Germany

The interdisciplinary research of the Professorship of Ecological Services (PES), University of Bayreuth aims at better ecological management of agriculturally dominated landscapes facing climate change. Towards this goal, a postdoc position is currently available:

Postdoc (6 years, 100%, A13Z Akademische Ratsstelle auf Zeit), start October 1st,  2023

We are looking for candidates to develop spatial models of land use and ecosystem services in regional human-environment systems to explore historical developments, to optimize current systems and / or to build future scenarios. This research can optionally consider impacts of legal instruments, perceptions of agents shaping the landscape, but also global trade of commodities flows and subsequent leakage of ecosystem service improvements.

The position starting October 1, 2023 or later is initially offered for 3 years and after successful evaluation for another 3 years. It opens the opportunity to develop an own research and teaching profile (including habilitation at the Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Geosciences, University of Bayreuth) while working in a team. Supervision of Master/PhD students and development of new research proposals is expected. Successful candidates can participate in externally funded projects.

The teaching load is 5 hours per week for a 100% position. Teaching will be in English on spatial modeling of land use change and resulting ecosystem services in human-environment systems primarily in the M.Sc. Global Change Ecology and the M.Sc. Geoökologie at the University of Bayreuth.

Your qualifications for the open position:

  • Candidates holding a PhD degree in environmental, natural, social sciences, geography or economics are invited to apply, because the work will be interdisciplinary
  • Very good study record
  • Methodological knowledge in ecosystem services models (e.g. InVEST, SWAT), GIS / geostatistics in R or agent-based models (preferably NetLogo) is expected
Working environment:
  • The Professorship of Ecological Services (PES) offers an interdisciplinary working environment
  • Membership in the Bayreuth Center of Ecology and Environmental Research (BayCEER) of the University of Bayreuth with more than 60 senior researchers and postdocs with a research focus on biodiversity, ecosystem functions and services.

Handicapped persons will be given preference in cases with equal qualification. The University of Bayreuth is dedicated to increasing the proportion of women employed in science, and requests explicitly applications from women.

Applicants should send in one pdf a motivation letter, curriculum vitae, certificates with transcripts of grades, list of publications, 1-3 sample publications, and contact addresses of 2 referees via email to thomas.koellner[at]  (Prof. Dr. Thomas Koellner, Faculty of Biology, Chemistry and Geosciences, University of Bayreuth, 95440 Bayreuth, Germany).

Deadline for application is June 1, 2023 or until position filled. See status on PES webpage or contact Prof. Dr. Koellner for further information.

Notes for applicants concerning General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) information requirements >>.

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