ESEE in solidarity with our Turkish colleagues and for freedom of expression

The European Society for Ecological Economics (ESEE) herewith expresses its concern for the academics in Turkey being investigated, and three being held in prison since March 15, for expressing their views—under the petition “We Will Not be a Party to this Crime”—on the conflict in the South-East region of Turkey, and condemns the recent steps taken against the scholars who have been calling for peace in the country.

Concerned about the decline of academic freedoms in Turkey and in line with its commitment to the defense of freedom of representation and dissemination of ideas, the ESEE urges the government of Turkey to fully respect the right of scholars to express their opinions in public without censorship or restraint. We also urge the Higher Education Council (YÖK) to withdraw its request to the rectors to open up an inquiry on the signatories.

While our expression of solidarity extends to all people and academics affected by the repressive measures taken by the Government of Turkey, the ESEE is particularly concerned with the ecological economics community of scholars, intellectuals, practitioners, and activists in Turkey who are facing prosecution for their commitment to peace and social justice.

Irene Ring, Erik Gómez-Baggethun & Tom Bauler (president / vice-presidents)