ESEE Elections 2012: Call for Nominations

ESEE is holding elections for the Board in December 2012. The positions of the President, the two Vice-Presidents, five regular Board members and one student representative will have to be filled for the next three years. The electronic ballot wi

ll be open during the first three weeks of December.

For this election, quite a few posts are vacant for the period from 2013-2015. As a paid ESEE Member you are entitled to vote and to run for elections. Therefore, the election is a good chance for many of you to take a more active role in the Board.

To become a nominee the person has to

be supported by five ESEE Members eligible to vote. Nominations for elections shall be made in writing to the secretariat, using the email-address: and must be received by 28. November 2012. The nomination shall include the names of the supporters. Supporters are asked to express their support directly to the Secretariat also up to the same deadline. A brief CV and 5 lines on the motivation for working in the Board shall be provided to be put on the ESEE website as a pdf file for the election period. Nominees for student representatives viagra no prescription have to proof their continuing student status.

To be elected to the Board provides an opportunity to influence the direction of the Society and Ecological Economics in Europe and to work in a well motivated team. Active engagement in the work of the sub-committees shall be considered as a matter of course.

For more information contact Klaus Kubeczko, ESEE Secretary.