For students only: The ESEE Board and ESEE 2013 organising committee are happy to inform you that a Best student paper prize will be awarded, at the end of the conference, during the closing plenary session scheduled on June 21st. 4:00 – 4:30 pm. To be eligible to the prize, candidates must have a full paper ready in English and send it to the following email address:, by June 6th, 2013. To be reviewed and eligible to the prize, the first or only author of the paper must be a student. Of course, papers written by several students are also eligible to the prize. To enter, the paper also needs to have been accepted for presentation at the conference.
The prize includes a set of recently published books offered by the publishers present during the conference and a three-year free ESEE membership. Furthermore, the student prize committee (composed of ESEE Board members and ESEE 2013 organising committee members) guarantees the winning paper a refereeing process that will lead to at least an “accepted with major revision” publication status in “Environmental Policy and Governance”.