The term of office of three members of the ESEE Board ends this year after 3 years.

All ESEE members (except students) are kindly invited to make use of the democratic right to choose their representatives.

The ballot for 2011 is supported by the election tool provided by ISEE.

It simply requires you to login with your ESEE and ISEE login name and password and to choose 3 representatives (new or renewed) at http://www.ecoeco.org/elections/2011/esee/election_intro.php

Information on the nominees is given at the election webpage.

The nominees are:

  • Nina Eisenmenger, ESEE Treasurer (Austria)
  • Timothy J Foxon, (UK)
  • Reinhard Madlener (Germany)
  • Olivier Petit (France)
  • Nuno Videira (Portugal)

Please use your right to vote, which certainly strengthens the commitment of the Board.

The ballot is open until 29. November, 24:00 CET.

This year

only one student representative, Jasper Kenter from the University of Aberdeen, was nominated. Therefore, he is elected unopposed and student members will have the opportunity to elect a second student representative next year.