Summer School: ´the Green Economy´ UPDATE

The organizers inform that they have been able to cancel the participation fee, so attendance is now free of costs for all. We kindly remind the dead line for registration (20th February).

June 16 – June 27, 2014

The third course of the Thor Heyerdahl Summer School in Environmental Governance – will be organized in Norway in June 2014. The topic of this year’s course is ‘the Green Economy’ . This concept is loaded with very different meanings, as it is connected to dif­ferent traditions within economics. It also links up closely with natural sciences – especially ecology, but also physics – as well as with other social sciences. Several internationally renowned researchers will participate as teachers. We mention Richard Howarth, Tim Jackson, Sharachchandra Lele, Sian Sullivan and Heidi Wittmer. The Summer School is open to PhD students and young researchers who have completed their PhD degree within the last 4 years of the application deadline (February 20, 2014). Priority will be given to applicants from social science oriented programs or interdisciplinary (combined social and natural science) programs.

More information is available at from Janu­ary 10, 2014. Deadline for application is February 20.