Post-doc position "Participatory development of land use scenarios"

Wageningen UR (University & Research centre) looks for a post-doc researcher who will support the process of developing multi-scale participatory scenarios for a number of case studies in Latin America and Europe, relating to a range of issues importantly including deforestation, biodiversity loss and climate adaptation/mitigation. Three large European projects, focusing on

climate adaptation, biodiversity, and land use change, all seek to develop integrated scenarios of land use

change through linking models and stakeholder-driven products. All projects are strongly interdisciplinary and demand knowledge integration and knowledge co-production.

The candidate will be responsible for coordination and implementation of (part of) the participatory process as well as analysis of the results and the translation into input for quantitative models. The researcher will collaborate with a number of partners across Europe and Latin America. It is expected that the candidate will publish in peer-reviewed journals and help write proposals to acquire additional funding.

Further details:

The vacancy closes on November 15.