Postdoctoral Researcher, “Governing the ‘Just Transition’: Eco-Social Politics and Policies in the EU” – University of Milan

Deadline: 5 January 2024
Position: Post-Doc in the project “Governing the ‘Just Transition’: Eco-Social Politics and Policies in the EU”
Institution: University of Milan, Department of Social and Political Sciences
Location: Milan, Italy
*Full Description & Application Procedure:

The Department of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Milan (Italy) has a job opening for a post-doc in the project “Governing the ‘Just transition’: Eco-Social Politics and Policies in the EU” led by Paolo Graziano at the University of Padua and in Milan by Matteo Jessoula.

Research Activities:

The Fellowship implies carrying out the activities briefly mentioned below at Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche dell’Università degli Studi di Milano and under the supervision of Prof. Jessoula Matteo within the research programme “Governing the ‘Just Transition’: Eco-social politics and policies in the EU, of the activities mentioned below:

  1. Supporting the research unit in the systematic literature review on the macro-topic of eco-social policies in Italy and Europe;

  2. Mapping national policies dealing with the socio-occupational consequences of decarbonization in emission-intensive sector (example: Territorial Just Transition Plans);

  3. Investigating relevant socio-political actors’ positions, conflicts and strategic interactions to influence eco-social policies;

  4. Qualitative mapping and comparative (historical) analysis of relevant documents dealing with the raising risk of ‘energy poverty’ (example: the energy poverty sections of the National Energy and Climate Plans)


All graduates who have an appropriate scientific-professional curriculum to carry out research activities established by this competition notice can participate in this public selection.

PhD or equivalent qualification obtained abroad or, for the areas concerned, specialization degree completed by appropriate scientific production, unless otherwise specified, is preferential requirement for admission according to this competition notice.

Candidates must meet the following requirements:

  1. Absence of criminal record;

  2. Master’s Degree in Law or Political sciences or equivalent, from an Italian or foreign university.

Moreover it is required:

  1. Expertise in research area:

    Knowledge of literature on comparative social policies, industrial relations, political science

    Experience in conducting fieldwork research through qualitative methods (interviews, focus groups).

    Experience of research and collaboration in research groups.

  2. Knowledge of language: Italian

Qualifications must be owned on the date of expiry established for the presentation of the application form.

Applicants in possession of degrees obtained abroad, who have not the declaration of equivalence, will have to enclose in the application form a translation into Italian or into English of the foreign degree, (Degree with marks earned in each examination and PHD degree), completed by a self- certification related to the correspondence to the original of the translation itself.

The degree earned abroad can be declared admissible, by the Judging Commission, only for purposes related to the selection.

The following qualifications will be evaluated for purposes related to the competition:

  1. PhD in subjects concerning the research or equivalent qualification earned abroad;

  2. Specialization degree in subjects concerning the research;

  3. Post-graduate degrees;

  4. Attendance of post-graduate courses at Italian or foreign Universities;

  5. Scientific-professional curriculum based on proven experience for research activity already carried out at public and private bodies with contracts, fellowships or appointments, both in Italy and abroad;

  6. Publications in scientific reviews.

For requisitions of admission and incompatibilities please see art. 4, 5 and 6 of Regulations at the link:



Application forms in plain paper must be written according to the form at the following link: and include name, surname, place and date of birth, address, telephone number, competition notice information. Application forms must be submitted online, at the following email address:, within January 5, 2024 at 11.59 pm (Italian time). The application form and any other enclosures requiring the candidate’s signature. The message should state in the object field:

“Domanda concorso Assegno di Ricerca Prof. Jessoula Matteo, code ID 6145”

Application forms not signed or incomplete or sent after the deadline established will not be admitted.

The application form must enclose: 

  • Degree with final mark;
  • Phd degree / specialization degree;
  • Scientific qualifications, diplomas, scholarships, attendance of post-graduate courses;
  • Publications;
  • Curriculum of scientific activities.

Documents above mentioned can be presented as follows:

Academic and professional qualifications can be self-certificated (Enclosure 1). The other qualifications which require evaluation, publications included, can be presented in original copy or in photocopies by self-declaration in substitution of attested affidavit according to DPR 28/12/2000 n. 445 (Enclosure 2).

Candidates who have a degree only must show necessary documents to demonstrate a scientific- professional curriculum and appropriate research experience to carry out research activity as from this competition notice, otherwise they will be excluded from the competition.

Curriculum Presentation:

Candidates, by the same time of presentation of the application form, must scan and send to the e-mail address a copy of the curriculum vitae in pdf with the ID code with date and signature according to the form at the following link:


The Fellowship’s yearly gross amount is of Euro 20385,00. The amount is tax free according to art. 4 Legge 13 August 1984 n. 476 and subject, for what concerns welfare regulations, to regulations as from art. 2 paragraphs 26 and following Legge 8 August 1995 n. 335.

University will provide, for the period of the contract of collaboration to research, private insurance cover, with a public liability insurance and industrial accident insurance in favour of the fellow and within carrying out of research activities. The amount of the premium for insurance against industrial accidents is subtracted each year from the remuneration for the fellow.

The amount is paid in postponed monthly instalments. The Fellows’ duties, established by the individual contract, are performed under the supervision of the Professor coordinator who will verify the activity carried out according to art. 8 paragraph 5 of Regulations.

The full job description with more information about the application procedure is available at: