Positions in Marie Curie ITN project: Socio-economic and Political Responses to Regional Polarisation in Central and Eastern Europe (RegPol²)

The project RegPol² coordinated by the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography focusses on new patterns of regional disparities between metropolitan core regions and the remaining parts of Central and Eastern European countries (CEE). 16 subprojects will be dealing with the socio-economic forms of regional polarisation, their wider impacts on society as well as the responses conveyed by social, economic and political actors.

1) to educate self-reflexive specialists in complex multi-agent decision making for regional policy under uncertain framework conditions; (2) to train young researchers in better understanding regional polarisation and interrelated policymaking processes in different contexts and in communicating relevant information for decision making; (3) to raise the employability of trained researchers due to better knowledge of different disciplinary and cultural planning and policy traditions in the EU.
We are now looking for highly motivated candidates for positions (36 months) with the starting date 01 September 2014 . All fellows will have the unique opportunity to work in interdisciplinary and multinational teams with excellent links to national and international research networks.

2. Fuzziness and softness in spatial patterns of regional policies. The example of the Slovak Republic, the Czech Republic and Germany (Bratislava, Slovakia)
9. Multilevel governance for balanced development between core and peripheral spaces. Innovative governance mechanisms  (Bratislava, Slovakia)

Detailed information and all PhD-projects