Phd Position: Urban geography and complex sciences, University of Lausanne

Job information:

Application deadline: May 20, 2022
Starting date: September 1, 2022
Contract length: 1 year, renewable 2 x 2 years, maximum 5 years
Activity rate: 80%
Workplace: University of Lausanne, Institute of Geography and Sustainability, Geopolis, Lausanne, Switzerland

Your application
Deadline: May 20, 2022
Please submit the following documents in PDF format only via the career website of the University of Lausanne:

  • letter of motivation
  • full CV
  • a short proposal (2-3 pages) for doctoral research specifically linked to the job description:
    multi-level urban complex systems
  • scans of university degrees and course transcripts/marks
  • the Master thesis (and a research paper, if available)
    Only applications submitted through the following website will be considered:
  • Contact for further information
    Prof. Celine Rozenblat (
    Personal page:
    CITADYNE blog: