Dear ESEE members,

As previously announced, the terms of office of four ESEE Board Members and of one Student Representative are ending this year after 3 years. As the ESEE Board currently consists of only 12 Board Members, but according to the ESEE Constitution, can consist of up to 15 Board Members including the two Student Representatives, we aim to fill the positions of 7 Board Members and one Student Representative.

ESEE Board Members and  Student Representative Election 2014. The candidates are here.

Therefore, ESEE will be holding two separate but parallel elections—one for ordinary Board Members and one for Student Representative—in November 2014.

Our election committee is chaired by the ESEE President Irene Ring and includes the Country Contacts Inge Röpke and Tommaso Luzzati and the Student Representative Leslie Carnoye.

They indeed count for a broad feedback among the larger ESEE membership and on your interest in playing an active role in the ESEE Board and get nominated for the election later this year. To be elected to the Board provides an opportunity to work in a well-motivated team and influence the direction of the Society and Ecological Economics in Europe.

How to become a nominee?

To become a nominee the person has to be an active (paid) member of ESEE and supported by five ESEE Members eligible to vote. All nominations for elections shall be made in writing to the secreteriat, using the email-address esee.elections@gmail.com and must be received by 26 October 2014 (the nomination period is extended for one week: the new deadline is 2 November 2014).

  • Nomination shall include the names of the supporters. Supporters are asked to express their support directly to the secreteriat (esee.elections@gmail.com) up to the same deadline.
  • A foto, a brief CV and 5 lines on the motivation for working in the Board shall be provided to be put on the ESEE website for the election period.
  • Nominees for student representatives have to prove their continuing student status.

How to vote?

Information on the candidates and the voting procedure will be given again at the ESEE website (https://www.ecolecon.eu/). However, as only paid ESEE Members are entitled to stand for elections and vote for the ESEE Board (exceptions apply to our Student Representatives who are elected by all Student Members), we encourage you to renew your membership as soon as possible.

If you have any questions regarding nominations and/or elections, do not hesitate to contact us.

Best wishes,

Begum Ozkaynak, ESEE Secretary