esee podcast fossil fuel centred world

New podcast episode! Geopolitical realities in a fossil fuel-centred world with Adam Hanieh

This week, Economics for Rebels host Alexandra Köves interviews Adam Hanieh about the geopolitical realities of living in our fossil fuel-centred world.
“That’s leaving aside all of the questions you bring up around extractivism and, and the problems of the green technologies that are reliant on minerals, reliant upon water supplies, control of land, all of that. And in many ways, they’re replicating those old colonial patterns that we saw in the case of oil back in the in the 20th century.” – Adam Hanieh

Ecological economics is about understanding the entanglement of economic, political, social, and ecological systems and about finding ways to reduce the economy’s overwhelmingly aggressive power and dominance above allothers even if it is a supposed to be just a subsystem of them. While on an unreflective level we know that geopolitics is governed by economic interests, all too often we try and understand wars and power games only in terms of political or social processes. As an example, the monstrous war in Gaza has been predominantly explained by settler colonisation or Israeli lobbying power but has rarely been discussed from the wider perspective of how our dependence on oil fuels such atrocities. Our guest today, Adam Hanieh explains how the fossil fuel industry influences our geopolitical realities. Hosted by Alexandra Köves. Edited by Aidan Knox.