ESEE podcast myth of free markets

New podcast episode! Debunking the Myth of the Free Market with Naomi Oreskes

This week, Economics for Rebels host Alexandra Köves about the creation of the myth the free market and how we can debunk it.

“By understanding how a particular narrative was constructed, it empowers us to think about counter narratives and alternative ways of thinking and alternative frameworks. And so I don’t know if that’s a rebellion, but it is my resistance.” – Naomi Oreskes


Ecological economists face true hardships when coming up against the long-lived myth of how markets can solve everything: from personal and collective wellbeing to ecological sustainability. But – of course – only if we leave them alone to work their magic. But how has this myth been created and why does it hold so strong despite all evidence underpinning its effectiveness? Our guest today, historian Naomi Oreskes will explain us in this episode. Hosted by Alexandra Köves. Edited by Aidan Knox.