New paper explores degrowth policy proposals

Nick Fitzpatrick, ESEE Student Rep, explores degrowth policies in new paper

Nick Fitzpatrick and co-authors Tim Parrique and Inês Cosme conducted a systematic mapping of degrowth policies in academic literature in new paper published in the Journal of Cleaner Productions.

Exploring degrowth policy proposals: A systematic mapping with thematic synthesis”

This new researcch paper is a systematic mapping and thematic synthesis of the entire degrowth literature for policy proposals, a first of it’s kind.

Guided by the “ROSES” methodology, the authors reviewed over 1,166 texts (articles, books, book chapters, and student theses) referring to degrowth.

446 of these (38%) included specific policy proposals.

The result is 530 proposals (50 goals, 100 objectives, 380 instruments) focusing on degrowth.

The authors divided these proposals into 13 themes – culture and education, energy and environment, food, governance and geopolitics, indicators, inequality, finance, production and consumption, science and technology, tourism, trade, urban planning, and work.

What are the key findings?
  1. Some proposals are highly detailed, most are not.
  2. Some proposals are more popular than others.
  3. Most proposals focus more on the what and not the how, often forgetting the transition.
  4. Degrowth is increasingly diverse.
  5. Most policies are studied in isolation.

The #Top10 degrowth policies include:

  • 1. Universal basic income
  • 2. Work-time reduction
  • 3. Job guarantees w/ living wage
  • 4. Maximum income cap
  • 5. Deliberative forums
  • 6. Not-for-profit models
  • 7. Declining caps on resource use + emissions
  • 8. Reclaiming the commons
  • 9. Ecovillages
  • 10. Housing cooperatives

You can access the paper here or ask Nick directly for a copy.

Exploring degrowth policy proposals: A systematic mapping with thematic synthesis