ISEE-Degrowth 2025 Conference

ISEE-Degrowth 2025 Conference

Call for Abstracts


                      ISEE-Degrowth 2025 – call for abstracts 

                              You can submit your abstract here:     


                      DEADLINE: 20 January 2025 (at 23:59 CET)


Please read the information below carefully before you submit an abstract. 

Each individual may only submit one abstract as presenting main author/contributor

Under this call, you can submit an abstract for a short presentation that you want to give during a parallel session at the conference. Please submit your abstract i) either to one of the 10 predefined thematic tracks, or ii) to one of the open Special sessionsSubmissions on topics not explicitly listed are also welcomed and may be entered under “other”.


All parallel sessions will be held during a time slot of 1.5 hours (90 minutes). Each parallel session will have a chair who is responsible for the session. 

Parallel sessions are divided into the two categories of Regular sessions and Special sessions. 

  • Regular sessions: Abstracts submitted to one of the conference tracks (or “other”), will be grouped in Regular sessions. An abstract presentation for a Regular session cannot exceed 15 minutes.* After the call closes, accepted abstracts will be grouped in sessions with a maximum of 4 abstracts per session – to ensure sufficient time for questions and discussion in the session. The format of an abstract presentation can vary greatly, such as conventional presentation, policy, practice-based or activist experiences, artistic performance, short film, etc. Different formats may also be mixed. For example, conventional academic presentations may be grouped with artistic presentations, where there is a good thematic fit.
  • Special sessions: Abstracts submitted for Special sessions need to follow the guidelines of the relevant session. This may entail different time limits and formats than those of the Regular sessions. Please read carefully the description of the Special session for which you plan to submit an abstract. (If your abstract is accepted for the conference, but not for the Special session you choose, the organizers will find room for your contribution in a thematically suited Regular session).  
Poster session: You may submit an abstract describing a poster to be presented at the Poster session during the conference. Posters will achieve great visibility as they will be on public display for the duration of the event, and a digital version of each poster will be displayed on the conference website. Especially during the Poster session of the conference, the authors will have the opportunity to explain their work and answer questions from the audience. We encourage participants to be creative in preparing the posters, and to explain their work in a good and dynamic way. 

We welcome both academic and non-academic presentations. Regardless of format, we encourage all contributors to reflect on how their work links theory and practice.

The language of abstract submission must be English. Each abstract can have more than one author/contributor. At least one of the authors/contributors needs to be physically present at the conference.** While each individual can only submit one abstract as the presenting main author/contributor, there is no limit to the number of contributions in which they can feature as non-presenting co-authors.

All submissions must include the following details: 


  • Indicate whether you accept that your presentation may be streamed digitally on the conference website. 
  • Indicate whether the presenting author/contributor is a student. 
  • Information about the authors/contributors, such as name, e-mail, and organization (if relevant). Specify which of the authors/contributors will present at the conference.
  • Abstract of maximum of 400 words. An abstract is a short summary of the contribution/presentation you want to give at the conference.
  • Choose the format of your contribution (remember that all regular session contributions must stay within 15 minutes). For Special sessions, please take note of the specific format requirements in the description of the session.
– Conventional presentation of academic work, such as a scientific paper.
– Activist contribution – sharing experiences with activist approaches.
– Practice-based contribution – sharing practice-based experiences, e.g., from food production or care work.
– Policy contribution – sharing experiences from policy work.
– Musical performance and/or reflection on the role of music.  
– Artistic performance and/or reflection on the role of artistic approaches.  
– Short film – screening of audiovisual content.
– Other formats – please specify (also within 15 minutes)

– Poster presentation – poster to be presented at the poster session during the conference.

Note that there is an opportunity to have outdoor activities of 15 minutes each, such as walk-and-talk, outside presentation, outdoor meditation etc. If you plan for an outdoor activity, please explain this in the abstract. Related outdoor activities may be grouped as outdoor regular sessions by the organizers.

  • Technical requirements, such as equipment and setup of the room.
  • Selection of the thematic tracks or/and open Special session that best fits the content of the contribution.  
  • Please indicate 3-6 keywords for your contribution.
  • Confirm that the person submitting the abstract agrees to act as a reviewer for other submissions in her/his area of expertise, if needed. A reviewer may be allocated a maximum of 3 abstracts for review.

All submissions will undergo a blind peer-review process. Proposals will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
• Thematic relevance and relation to the central theme of the conference.
• Quality of the proposal.
• Clarity of presentation.
• Originality and creativity.
• Academic quality (where relevant).

Once the reviewing process has concluded, submitters will receive the result of their evaluations, including the reviewer comments.  If the reviewer(s) suggest that the abstract should be revised, a final abstract should be submitted within 10 days after receiving the comments. If such revisions are not done, it will be regarded as a withdrawal of the contribution.

The presenting authors of accepted abstracts must register and pay the registration fee before the deadline set by the organizers (the deadline will be in Mid-April 2025). If the registration has not been done by the registration deadline, it will be regarded as a withdrawal of the contribution. If there is any change regarding the presenting author of an accepted abstract, it must be communicated to the organizers as soon as possible, and the new presenter must register and pay within the same deadline.

*Time limitation on abstract presentations
We are experiencing very high interest in contributing to the conference. For example, we received more than 140 Special session submissions. By setting a limit of 15 minutes on abstracts presented in any regular session (and maximum 4 presentations per session), we aim to accommodate a broad variety of presentations and facilitate fruitful exchanges.

**Hybrid/digital aspects of the conference
For Regular sessions, one of the authors/contributors needs to be physically present for the presentation. It will thus not be possible to submit an abstract for a fully digital presentation. However, some of the Special sessions may welcome digital presentations (read the description for each session to find out). Moreover, we aim to make several sessions in each parallel slot digitally available for anyone to watch online, without any conference fee. Therefore, we ask all presenters to indicate whether they accept that their presentation is streamed to a digital audience via the conference webpage. We aim to set up a digital forum for those following the conference online, and a system to ensure that online comments and questions are considered and addressed in the streamed sessions.