Results of the ESEE Board elections held in December 2015
As the ESEE, we have been holding elections during the last month for the terms of office of the ESEE President, 2 Vice-Presidents and 3 Board Members. This year we unfortunately had no nominees for the open position of a second student representative and hence did not run a separate election in parallel for Student Representative.
101 members of the 274 ESEE members in 2015 voted, so that the 20% quorum was fulfilled.
As announced on the ESEE website (, we had 3 candidates standing for the open positions of ESEE President and 2 Vice-Presidents for the term 2016-2018. We asked whether ESEE members support these candidates for the respective positions and here are the results.
1. Irene Ring | Candidate for Presidency | 91% Yes; 9% Abstain
2. Tom Bauler | Candidate for Vice-Presidency| 73% Yes; 8% No; 19% Abstain
3. Erik Gómez-Baggethun | Candidate for Vice-Presidency | 88% Yes; 5% No; 7% Abstain
We had 4 candidates for the 3 Board Member positions available, again for the term 2016-2018. Therefore, we kindly invited ESEE members to vote for up to a maximum of 3 candidates. Results are as follows:
1. Juha Hiedanpää | Candidate for Board Member | 57%
2. Daniel O’Neill | Candidate for Board Member | 61%
3. Begum Ozkaynak | Candidate for Board Member | 85%
4. Lenka Slavíková | Candidate for Board Member| 50%
According to these results, Juha Hiedanpää and Begum Ozkaynak have been reelected and Daniel O’Neill is our new Board Member.
We would like to cordially thank all nominees and ESEE members who took part in the elections and congratulate all candidates who have been elected.
On behalf of the election committee,
Begum Ozkaynak, ESEE Secretary
The terms of office of the ESEE President, 2 Vice-Presidents, 3 Board Members are ending after 3 years. This year we unfortunately had no nominees for the open position of a second student representative. As we have one student representative in the Board as required by the ESEE constitution, we will only hold the election for board members.
The candidates for the offices of the ESEE President, 2 Vice-Presidents and 3 Board Members in 2015 are:
Irene Ring
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ
Leipzig, Germany
Short CV
Since 1992 I have been working at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ in Leipzig, where I am Deputy Head of the Department of Economics. My research focus is on biodiversity and ecosystem governance, economic instruments in conservation policies, and environmental federalism. I have been involved in a number of EU and BiodivERsA funded research projects on biodiversity and ecosystem services, including POLICYMIX, SCALES and CONNECT. I contributed to the international TEEB study on “The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity” and am currently deputy study leader and member of the coordination team of “Natural Capital Germany – TEEB DE”. I am member of the IPBES expert group on “Policy support tools and methodologies” and have been nominated a Coordinating Lead Author for the IPBES Regional Assessment for Europe and Central Asia.
I have been teaching various courses in the fields of ecological economics, environmental sciences and public finance at the University of Leipzig for many years. In 2008/2009, I was invited to be guest professor for ecological services at the University of Bayreuth, as part of an international Master’s degree programme on Global Change Ecology. Having completed my habilitation qualification on “Economic Instruments for Conservation Policies in Federal Systems” at the Economics Faculty of Leipzig University in 2011, I continue to teach at both these universities.
For more information, please visit my homepage.
Motivation to serve a second term as ESEE president
As a member of ISEE since 1994 and of ESEE since its foundation in 1996, I consider ecological economics as my true scholarly home. From 2010 to 2012, I served as the Conferences and Meetings Committee Chair of the ESEE Board. During my first term as ESEE President since 2013, my focus has been to establish a Board that works well and is based on team spirit – this, in my view, was key to involving present ESEE members much more in relevant matters of the society. Putting myself forward as a Presidential candidate for a second term is a reflection of my desire to build on the experience I have gained and continue working with a fantastic and highly motivated ESEE board to guide the society’s future for the next three years.
Tom Bauler
Université Libre de Bruxelles,
Brussels, Belgium
Short CV
Prof. Tom Bauler, ecological economist, holds the Chair “Environment & Economy” (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium), and is exploring the roles of policy instruments and tools in the environmental policy domain. Emphasis is given to questions relating to the place, insertion, use and impact of policy instruments and tools (e.g. Beyond GDP indicators, prospective scenario exercises). More recently, he is also diving into the exploration of the governance of transitions, in particular from the perspective of transformative initiatives and social innovations reaching out to contribute to Low-carbon / Low-material societies. He has been on the scientific board of a whole series of conferences (including ESEE 2013, Lille) and serves currently as president of the strategy working group of the Federal Belgian Council for Sustainable Development. He is academic director of the Master in Environmental Management & Sciences (+200 students), and teaches Ecological Economics to a wider audience of MA students at ULB.
Motivation to serve as ESEE Vice-President
It is necessarily in times of uncertainty, change and reconfiguration that I do think that it is important to provide us with a place for secure exchange and collective construction. In the present times, this necessity is certainly a given in the domain of thinking the Nature-‐Society interrelations, and specifically also in our academic worlds. The on-‐going multi-‐faceted economic crises could have been read some time ago as providing a terrain for the voicing of our shared heterodox understanding of economics. The evolution of the discourse of the mainstream does however show not much more than stubborn and arrogant lip service to its on-‐going failure to address the environment in its integrity. Not paradoxically at all, ESEE has in parallel solidified as such a place for secure exchange, opening its doors to many and attracting new people, new societal positions, with their vigorous intellectual strands. While much has been done in the recent past to provide the conditions for meeting the challenges of widening and embracing, I would be particularly proud to contribute to secure the society’s engagement to the collective construction of the alternative.
Erik Gómez-Baggethun
Oslo, Norway
Short CV
Erik Gómez-Baggethun is a Research Professor at the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research and a Senior Visiting Research Associate at the University of Oxford. His research focuses on ecological economics and political ecology, with a focus on biodiversity and ecosystem services, long-term resilience, and environmental justice. He serves in the editorial boards of several international scientific journals, was a lead author of the report ‘The economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity’ (TEEB), and chapter coordinator for the Convention on Biological Diversity’s report ‘Cities and biodiversity Outlook’ (CBO1). He currently serves in the task force on value and valuation for the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services (IPBES).
For more information, please visit webpage
Motivation to serve a second term as ESEE Vice-president
I am strongly committed to ecological economics since the beginning of my academic carrier. I am member of ESEE/ISEE since 2005, founder member of the Spanish Association for Ecological Economics, board member of ESEE since 2013 and have contributed widely to the journal Ecological Economics, both as author and reviewer. If re-elected as Vice-president I will I work to develop and consolidate a committed network of country contacts for ESEE and keep using the board as a platform to support theory and practice for a post-growth economy based on principles of environmental justice, strong sustainability and co-evolution within planetary boundaries.
Juha Hiedanpää
Helsinki, Finland
Short CV
I am Research Professor in natural resource policy at the Natural Resources Institute Finland. I hold the Master’s degree from the University of Helsinki (Institutional environmental economics, 1994) and the Doctoral degree from the University of Tampere (Environmental policy, 2004). I practice policy science with the theoretical and methodological tools provided by classical pragmatism and institutional economist. Currently, I work on wildlife policy issues, policy design from the bottom up, and the entrepreneurial aspects of forest ecosystem services. I teach “Ecological economics” and “Global economy and biodiversity problems” at the University of Turku and “Institutional resource economics” at the University of Eastern Finland.
Motivation to serve as ESEE board member
As an ESEE board member, I would be ambitious to promote transdiciplinary science and education for the experimental co-design of environmental and developmental policy solutions in order to improve the fit between the law, administration, science and civil society. I have been the ESEE board member since 2012. Currently, I am the head of the Education Committee.
Dan O’Neill
The University of Leeds
Leeds, UK
Short CV
Dan O’Neill is a Lecturer in Environmental and Ecological Economics at the University of Leeds, and the Chief Economist at the Centre for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy (CASSE). His research focuses on the changes that would be needed to achieve a sustainable economy within planetary boundaries, and the relationships between resource use and human well-being. Dan has worked in both the public and private sectors in areas such as regional planning and energy management. He is co-author (with Rob Dietz) of Enough Is Enough: Building a Sustainable Economy in a World of Finite Resources, a best-selling book that has been made into a short documentary film. Dan holds a Ph.D. in Ecological Economics from the University of Leeds, and a Master of Environmental Studies degree from Dalhousie University.
For more information, please visit
Motivation to serve as ESEE board member
I am an ecological economist at the University of Leeds and have been a member of ISEE for over 10 years. I would like to join the ESEE Board in order to (1) expand the society’s membership and social media presence, (2) build stronger connections between ecological economists and other heterodox economists, and (3) encourage greater “scholar activism” to help drive change towards a more sustainable society. As an ecological economist with connections in academia, government, business, and civil society, I would bring a wide range of perspectives to the Board.
Begum Ozkaynak
Boğaziçi University
Istanbul, Turkey
Short CV
I am currently an associate professor at Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey. I received my BA and MA in Economics from Boğaziçi University, MPhil in Economics from Manchester University, UK and PhD in Ecological Economics and Environmental Management under Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA) from Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain. My research interests include ecological economics, sustainable development, political ecology, environmental conflicts and governance. I am specialized in environmental valuation techniques, scenario development and multi-criteria evaluation. Recently, I have been working on projects investigating environmental conflicts (EJOLT and ENTITLE) and the subsequent environmental movements in Turkey. I am a board member of the European Society of Ecological Economics since 2010 and was the chair of the local organizing committee of the ESEE 2011 conference held in Istanbul.
Motivation to serve as ESEE board member
I feel very much part of the ecological economics community since the beginning of my career and happily serve on the ESEE board since 2010. I have been acting as the ESEE representative of EPG journal and have also been the Secretary of the Board since 2012. If re-elected I am ready to continue supporting the Board as a secretary and develop the ESEE connections with wider academic communities and activists for a better world.
Lenka Slavíková
University of Economics,
Prague, Czech Republic
Short CV
I am the Associated Professor in public economics working at J.E.Purkyne University in Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic. I have studied enviornmental policy and economics (M.A. in 2003) and further continued in institutional economics (Ph.D. in 2009). My research has been focused on the interdisciplinary research in the field of environmental policy and evolution of the economic thought relevant for the environmental protection. Current research interests are development of institutional economics for the purpose of environmental protection, interdisciplinary methodology, multilevel governance (with the focus on public participation). I have published papers in Ecological Economics or Regional Studies. I am a member of the collaborative network CETIP: Centre for Transdisciplinary Studies of Institutions, Evolution and Policies dedicated to introduce novel ideas from institutional ecological and behavioral economics into the interdisciplinary research and education, public debate and policy making in Central and Eastern Europe I have wide experiences with conference organization and coordination of scientific networks.
Motivation to serve as ESEE board member
I served as the chair of the Publication and Publicity Committee of the ESEE board in 2013 – 2015. During this 3-year period I enjoyed working for the society in the nice team of enthusiastic people. My intention, now, is to continue in pushing the ESEE agenda forward building on previous experiences.
On Upcoming ESEE Elections in 2015 and Call for Nominations
The terms of office of the ESEE President, 2 Vice-Presidents, 3 Board Members, and 1 Student Representative is ending after 3 years. Same as last year, we will hold two separate but parallel elections—one for ordinary board members and one for the student representative in November 2015.
Our election committee is chaired by the ESEE Vice-President Tatiana Kluvankova-Oravska and includes our new board member Felix Rauschmayer, our country contact Inge Ropke and our student representative Leslie Carnoye. As usual, they will count on your feedback and on your interest in playing an active role in the ESEE Board and get nominations for the election later this year.
The official calendar for 2015 is as follows:
• Monday, October 5 – Sunday, November 1: 4 weeks nomination period
• Beginning of November: Preparations for elections
• Tuesday, December 1 – Monday, December 21: 3 weeks election period
To become a nominee the person has to be supported by five ESEE Members eligible to vote. All nominations for elections shall be made in writing to the secreteriat, using the email-address: and must be received by Sunday, 1 November 2015.
• Nomination shall include the names of the supporters. Supporters are asked to express their support directly to the secreteriat ( also up to the same deadline.
• A brief CV, a photo and 5 lines on the motivation for working in the Board shall be provided to be put on the ESEE website as a pdf file for the election period.
• Nominees for student representatives have to proof their continuing student status.
Information on the candidates and the voting procedure will be given at the ESEE website. However, as only active ESEE Members paying their membership fees are entitled to stand and/or vote for the board elections, we encourage you to renew your membership (or become a member if you are not yet one!) as soon as possible. Regarding the student representative, only active student members can stand for elections, but all ESEE student members (paying and non-paying) will vote for the student representative. Based on the election calendar, in both cases, you need to join ESEE until Friday, 13 November 2015 to be eligible to vote in this year’s elections.

Results of the ESEE Board elections held in November 2014
As ESEE, we have been holding two separate elections in November-December 2014, one for ordinary Board Members and one for Student Representative. The aim was to fill the positions of 7 Board Members and one Student Representative for the period 2015-2017.
In the board member elections, we had 7 candidates standing for the 7 positions open in the board. 90 members of the 316 ESEE members in 2014 voted, so that the 20% quorum was fulfilled.
Candidates and results are as follows:
1. Timothy Foxon | Board Member | 81%
2. Nina Eisenmenger | Board Member | 78%
3. Felix Rauschmayer | Board Member | 77%
4. Jasper Kenter | Board Member | 73%
5. György Pataki | Board Member | 72%
6. Olivier Petit | Board Member | 71%
7. Nuno Videira | Board Member| 67%
According to these results, Nina Eisenmenger, Timothy Foxon, Olivier Petit, and Nuno Videira have been reelected and Jasper Kenter, György Pataki, and Felix Rauschmayer are our new board members. In total, ESEE board has now 13 ordinary members.
In the student representative elections, we had 4 candidates standing for one position available. The 20% quorum was only fulfilled when the deadline for voting was extended for one week. In total, 43 members of the 206 ESEE student members (paying and non-paying) voted.
Candidates and results are as follows:
1. Ellen Stenslie | Student Representative | 44%
2. Vivien Lunda | Student Representative | 33%
3. Harald Wieser | Student Representative | 16%
4. Nils Droste | Student Representative | 7%
According to these results, Ellen Stenslie has been elected as the new student representative. In total, the ESEE board has now 2 student representatives: Leslie Carnoye and Ellen Stenslie.
We would like to cordially thank to all ESEE members who took part in the elections and congratulate all candidates who have been elected.
On behalf of the election committee,
Begum Ozkaynak, ESEE Secretary