ESEE 2013 – Ecological Economics and Institutional Dynamics

10th International conference of the

European Society for Ecological Economics

Lille (France)buy cialis no prescription uk


18-21 June 2013

Host Institutions:

Centre Lillois d’Etudes et Recherches Sociologiques et Economiques (CLERSE, UMR 8019, CNRS-Université Lille1)


Reims Economie Gestion Agro-Ressources et DurabilitéS (REGARDS, EA 6292, Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne)

In co-organisation with Université Libre de Bruxelles

With the Partnership of RIODD (International Research Network on Organizations and Sustainable Development)

Conference website:


Call for Papers (PDF, 1710kb)

ESEE 2013 is organized by the European Society for Ecological Economics in collaboration with CLERSE (Université Lille1-CNRS, France) and REGARDS (Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France). Proposals for paper and poster presentations (abstracts with 1200 words with a summary of 800 characters) on any of the following Conference themes, and for the organisation of special sessions in the form of focused discussions/thematic sessions, are welcomed. A limited number of special sessions (10 to 15% maximum of the parallel and special sessions) can be organized in French.

The main theme of the conference is Ecological Economics and Institutional Dynamics. Institutions are considered here in their broader sense, including social representations, norms, rules of the game, collective action processes and power dimensions, forms and types of exploitation, informal and formal organizations, referring at large to governance aspects and dealing with the large spectrum of topics developed in the field of Ecological Economics. Abstracts and papers articulating social and environmental questions would be particularly appreciated.

Of course, proposals dealing with questions outside of the general theme, but relevant with the agenda of ecological economics are welcomed.

Themes of the conference

Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary theoretical approaches (Institutional approaches, Post-Keynesian Economics, Marxist and Post-marxist economics, Feminist Economics, Political Ecology, Development Studies, Social Psychology, Environmental Sociology, Systems theory, Resilience approach, etc.).

Methodological and epistemological issues (Participatory approaches, Multi-criteria analysis, Experimental and behavioral approaches, Life-cycle analysis, Future studies, Modelling, Deliberative methods, Social metabolism, Multiple methods approach, Integrated assessment, Storytelling, Valuation methods, Post-normal science, etc.).

Governance, policies and institutions (multi-level governance, Environmental justice, Agenda 21, legal instruments, regional and territorial planning, economic instruments, voluntary agreements, policymix, norms, participatory processes, Common pool resources, transboundary issues, etc.).

Resources and environment (water, land, air, forests, pollution, biodiversity and ecosystem services, food and agriculture, energy, transport, etc.).

Actors and behaviors (capabilities, well-being, quality of life, gender issues, consumption, sustainability and firms, Corporate Social Responsibility, industrial ecology, NGO’s, cities, territorial units,. etc.).

Towards a Socio-Ecological Transition (Prosperity and well-being beyond the growth paradigm, De-growth, Alternative metrics, “dual-track governance” for transition, system innovation for socio-technical transition, from niche experiments to regime change, integral change, etc.).

Institutionalization of Ecological Economics: a European Perspective (Origins and history of ESEE, Comparative studies with the development of Ecological Economics outside of Europe, Education and teaching, Implementation of Ecological Economics policies, etc.).
