Remembering Elinor Ostrom, Bratislava, October 24, 2012, 14:00-17:00.
See full details about event (PDF)
“Complexity is not the same as chaos”, said Elinor Ostrom in Stockholm after being awarded
Nobel prize in 2009. Questioning simple theoretical models to prescribe universal solutions
by developing a common,
classificatory framework
to facilitate efforts toward a better
understanding of complex social-ecological systems has placed complexity in a dominant
position of Lin’s research over the last decade. What is the way forward? How do we address
complexity in a global arena? How does uncertainty of information, future policy options and
fragility of social and ecological systems affect prospects of Earth system governance? We
are pleased to address the topic of complexity to honor Lin’s exceptional personality on the
date of her planned second visit of Slovakia. Speakers are: (1) Daniel W. Bromley,
University of Wisconsin-Madison and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; (2) Jouni Paavola,
University of Leeds, United Kingdom; and (3) Tatiana Kluvánková-Oravská, CETIP,