Degrowth & Strategy book out today - launch party, sign up for free e-copy
The launch party for the new Degrowth & Strategy book will take place today, June 21st, 2022 in Vienna, at the Mensa @ Alte WU, Augasse 2-6, 1090 Wien.
Physical copies of the book will be on sale at the event, however, the book will also be available as a free pdf download.
You can sign up to receive a free copy via the Degrowth & Strategy website:
You can also follow Degrowth Vienna on social media for further updates on the book and other ongoing projects.
The volume is the subject of the current Economics for Rebels podcast season, with host Alexandra Köves talking to (an) author(s) from a different chapter in each episode.
The book has already garnered excellent reviews from Ecological
Economists and researchers in other adjecent fields, including from Stefania Barca (University of Santiago de Compostela, author of Forces of Reproduction):

“This book is what the degrowth movement needed the most: a well–reasoned and empirically grounded compendium of strategic thinking and praxis for systemic transformations. This is a true gift, not only to degrowthers, but to all those who understand the need for radical change. In an era of unprecedented challenges as the one we are living through, this book should become essential reading in every higher–education course across the social sciences and humanities.”
Stefania Barca