ClimateKIC Thematic Summer School 2013 “Making Transitions Happen”

Who can participate?
The participation in a PhD thematic summer school is part of the Climate KIC PhD program. All
Climate KIC PhD students should take part in a thematic summer school in their second or third year.
Furthermore we are happy to welcome students pursuing their PhD outside of Climate KIC and who
are interested in transition and climate change topics. Postgraduates with outstanding skills and
motivation to participate are also invited to apply.
The summer school will be held in English, in order to participate, students should have sufficient
language skills.
How to apply?
All details can be found here:
Application deadline is July 21st, 2013. Any applications submitted after the deadline will be marked
late and will be considered only after the review of applications received on or before July 21st.
Letters of acceptance will be sent out in early August.
ClimateKIC covers full costs of the programme including accommodation (in double
rooms), breakfast and lunch, 5 dinners per weak, local transportation.
Participants need to cover the travel costs to/from Frankfurt themselves.

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