Call for Papers for the ESEE 2011 Special Issue of EPG – deadline November, 14

The journal of Environmental Policy and Governance will produce an issue covering material from the ESEE 2011 conference “Advancing Ecological Economics: Theory and Practice” organised in Istanbul, Turkey. We hereby invite you to send your full papers for evaluation for this special conference issue.

In line with the conference theme, the special issue aims at bringing together cutting-edge research in ecological economics, in theory or in practice. In this context, authors are encouraged to specify the way their contributions help us advancing ecological economics, as appropriate, in the main text of their paper. We particularly welcome papers dealing with indicators, policy

instruments, macro-economics for sustainability transitions, environmental conflicts and justice movements.

The deadline for submissions is November 14. Manuscripts should include an abstract of max. 250 words and be no longer than 8,000 words in length. Standard EPG rules apply in the submission process. Please see author guidelines at

Manuscripts and other related documents should be sent as an email attachment to with a note indicating that this is for the special conference issue of EPG journal.

Concerning the evaluation procedure, in the first screening phase, papers fitting well to the conference issue with a potential to pass the review process will be selected. These will then be taken to a full peer-review where the paper will be assigned to at least two reviewers. Authors of papers that do not get beyond the first screening will be informed at a very early stage. If the author(s) want EPG to consider their paper for a normal edition, then these papers will be taken for normal evaluation.

As outlined below, the schedule is quite tight. The EPG-ESEE 2011 review process is planned to be finalised by mid-February. Therefore, the authors will need to have quick turn around of their revisions. This will then give them the opportunity of seeing the outcome quite soon as the publication date for the special issue will be June 1, 2011. The draft production schedule of the special issue is as follows:

  • Submissions – November 14
  • Referees’ comments – December 23
  • Resubmission after revisions – January, 23
  • Final decision – February, 13
  • Final editing – End of February
  • Submission by deadline – March 1

For any further queries, please do not hesitate to send an email to

Begum Ozkaynak, Irene Ring, Sigrid Stagl
ESEE Board
Felix Rauschmayer
ESEE editor of EPG