Austerity, Stimulus or Post-growth for Europe?

Revisiting Sicco Mansholt’s Vision

Date:                    Friday March 21st, 2014

Venue:                 European Parliament – Petra Kelly Room ASP A1G3 – 60, Rue Wiertz – 1047 Brussels – Belgium

RESPONDER brings together high-level scientists, policy-makers and practitioners to explore, discuss and address pressing questions about the contradictions between sustainable consumption and economic growth. In this final conference we revisit the propositions of Sicco Mansholt, President of the European Commission in 1972-73, to explore the complex relations between economic growth and sustainability, and what they mean for dealing with the European crisis.

Please join us for a dynamic programme featuring…

  • Hot topics and burning issues: key messages from RESPONDER scientists about growth and sustainable consumption
  • Panel discussions/debates:

* Europe and the crisis: Where do we go from here?,  &
* Welfare with(out) growth in Europe?

  • Facilitated working groups: producing concrete proposals for policy, for research, and for civil society action

Speakers include:

Giorgos Kallis and Joan Martinez Alier (Autonomous University of Barcelona)

Robert Skidelsky (University of Warwick and Institute for New Economic Thinking)

Elena Flores (Director for Policy Strategy and Coordination, DG Economics and Financial Affairs, European Commission)

Tim Jackson (University of Surrey)

Ronald Blaschke (German Network for Unconditional Basic Income) tbc

Denis Bayon (Research & Degrowth)

Yves Cochet (MEP)

Nikos Chrysogelos (MEP)

Xavier Sol (Counterbalance)


  • will enjoy an engaging first-hand account of key RESPONDER findings, take part in high level discussions on their policy relevance, and debate the implications of various policy pathways for a transition to a sustainable Europe

Civil society/activists:

  • will take part in discussions to shape collaborative research agendas and  proposals, and develop strategies for networking, awareness raising and campaigning around post-growth policies


  • will reflect on RESPONDER findings, identify and discuss further areas of research, and shape an emergent research agenda on post-growth in Europe

Registration will be open until 12 March 2014. Please note that the number of participants is limited to 80 people. Hence, we kindly ask you to register online via or by sending the completed attached registration form  to  If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact us.





Conference organizing team: Joan Martinez Alier, Giorgios Kallis, Viviana Asara, Hali Healy, Francois Schneider, and Filka Sekulova, ICTA, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona – 08193 Bellatera, Barcelona, Spain