Conference: Chasing Eden: Nature, Health and the Politics of Environment
at Exeter University and the Eden Project, 4th-5th September
This conference considers new perspectives on the history of
environmental politics in the western world since the nineteenth
century. Speakers include Harriet Ritvo, Gregg Mitmann, Chris Sellars,
Alan MacEachern, Karl Ditt and Thomas Lekan. First deadline for
registration, 30 June 2008.
For more details contact
Dr. Tim Cooper, University of Exeter,
or visit
International Conference: Sustainable development twenty years on: new theoretical
interpretations, methodological innovations, and fields of further exploration.
An international conference, taking place in Lille (France)
from November 20-22, 2008 will deal with issues around the concept of
Sustainable Development along 5 axes. More than 200 presentations, quite
a few from ESEE members, in the axes Theories, Methods, Actors,
Development and Spatial will be given in this bi-lingual conference,
supported by ESEE.
More information on
International Wuppertal Colloquium on
"Sustainable Growth, Resource Productivity and Sustainable Industrial
Policy – Recent Findings, new Approaches for Strategies and Policies"
held September 17 – 19, 2008 at Wuppertal University (Germany) in cooperation with the
Wuppertal Institute
The international colloquium shall bring together top experts on sustainable growth and
sustainable resource management. It aims to analyse the contribution of increasing resource
productivity to sustainability. Having a focus on economics, the international colloquium
shall also cover the technological, the environmental and the international dimensions. The
number of participants and presentations is strictly limited in order to facilitate discussion.
The international colloquium shall take place in 2008, 2009, and 2010. It accompanies a large
research project on “material efficiency and resource savings” which is coordinated by the
Wuppertal Institute with some 30 partners on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for the
Environment. While the first international colloquium intends to assemble the state of the art,
the subsequent colloquia in 2009 and 2010 shall also discuss technological potentials and
business opportunities as well as options for a sustainable industrial policy. A publication is
HIGRADE Summer School - Ecological-Economic Modelling for Biodiversity Conservation
7-13 September 2008 in Bad Schandau, Germany
this summer, there will again be a summer school on Ecological-Economic Modelling for
Biodiversity Conservation.
The summer school is organized by the Helmholtz Interdisciplinary Graduate School of
Environmental Research (HIGRADE) and takes place 7-13 September 2008 in
Bad Schandau, Germany.
The target group are PhD-students and young PostDocs.
For more informations click here.
ALTER-Net Summer School 2008 "Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services"
2-14 September 2008, Peyresq, France
The summer school will be held at Peyresq, Alpes de Haute-Provence, France
and is organized by the ALTER-Net Summer School Secretariat at the
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Germany.
More information at:
ISEE 2008
Nairobi, Aug. 7-11,2008
The conference will highlight the vision, methods and policy adjustments
needed for ecological economics principles to be applied to the design
and management of environmentally and socially sustainable development
processes. The conference seeks to build capacity in this area in
developing countries in the face of increasing global change and interdependence.
For more information please visit:
IASC 2008: Governing shared resources: connecting local experience to global challenges
The 12th Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of Commons.
July 14-18, 2008
The IASC 2008 global conference will take place in Cheltenham , England. The conference
will be hosted by the University of Gloucestershire, with logistical support to be
provided by the University's Countryside and Community Research Unit (CCRU).
For detailed information visit:
erscp2008 - 12th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production
From 23 - 25 September 2008, the 5th BMBF-Forum for Sustainability will present the 12th
European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production (erscp2008) in parallel
to the traditional fora of the BMBF-Framework programme "Research for Sustainability".
The conference will be part of the 5th BMBF-Forum for Sustainability held in Berlin
in September 2008 and will provide time and space for an exchange of ideas between
actors from politics, science, and industry and services.
For detailed informations visit:
3rd Atlantic Workshop on Energy and Environmental Economics CLIMATE CHANGE POLICIES AFTER 2012
The Research Group in Economics, Business and the Environment (rede) of the University of Vigo (Spain)
announces the 3rd Atlantic Workshop on Energy and Environmental Economics. The workshop will be held
on the island of A Toxa (near Vigo, in Galicia) on the 4-5 of July 2008 and will be appealing to
researchers, policy makers and other agents interested in the economic aspects of climate
change policies.
Further information can be found at the workshop website:
Advances in Energy Studies - Towards a holistic approach based on science and humanity
6th Biennial International Workshop: Invitation, June 29 to July 2, 2008,
Graz University of Technology, Austria
This series of workshops – now at its 6th edition - aims at bringing
together experts from different disciplines for the discussion of the
latest results in research regarding energy technologies, energy
systems and their political, social and economical impacts. We aim at
sharpening the scientific focus and building a critical mass and
collaborative network among scientists researching energy issues. We
will discuss the question of future energy scenarios and their
implications in a circle of open minded people representing different
approaches in order to gain new momentum in these years as societal
attention once again shifts toward policy debates and decisions
concerning sustainable use of energy and resources and their
relationship to the economics of humanity and the future of the plant
as a convenient habitat.
For more details visit