Emerging Theories and Methods in Sustainability Research (Marie Curie
Summer Schools 2006 - 2009)
3: Methods and Tools for Environmental Appraisal and Policy Forumlation
Lisbon, May 26 - June 6, 2008
May 26 -June 6, 2008, the Ecological Economics and Environmental Management
Centre of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology New University
of Lisbon will be hosting the 3rd Summer School of the Series Emerging
Theories and Methods of Sustainability Research (THEMES), titled "Methodsand
Tools for Environmental Appraisal and Policy Formulation". This
is the third summer school in a series of four funded by Marie Curie.
for this summer School are now open: see
link will also offer you more detailed information about the school.
When selecting participants, priority will be given to young researchers.
Summer School 2008 "Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services"
2-14 September 2008, Peyresq, France
summer school will be held at Peyresq, Alpes de Haute-Provence, France
and is organized by the ALTER-Net Summer School Secretariat at the
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Germany.
ALTER-Net 2008 summer school is open to young graduate and postgraduate
scientists from the network partners and 2-3 participants from developing
countries. Adequate English skills are required. All participants
are asked to present a poster on their own research. The summer school
is limited to 32 participants, who will be selected with the goal
of achieving an optimal mix among regions, disciplines and gender.
for applications: 15 April, 2008.
Successful applicants will be notified by 15 June 2008.
More information and the application form at:
IC0602 International Doctoral School "Algorithmic Decision Theory:
MCDA, Data Mining and Rough Sets"
Session 2008 : April 11-16, 2008, Troina, Italy
programme is an activity of the COST Action IC0602 “Algorithmic Decision
Theory” (
It is also supported by the Faculty of Economics of University of
Catania and the Department of Economics and Quantitative Methods of
University of Catania. It is the second doctoral school organised
by the COST Action IC0602 (the first took place in Han sur Lesse (BE),
in September 2007; see more in
Promote recent research results obtained in the field of Multiple
Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA), Data Mining and Rough Set Reasoning
about Data,
Train students in applications of new tools based on the above results,
- Develop
contacts and collaboration among young researchers in this field.
participants: doctoral students engaged in decision theory or decision
support, understood in a broad sense (i.e. MCDA, Data Mining and Rough
Set Analysis, Multiple Objective Optimisation, Decision under Risk
and Uncertainty, Algorithmic Decision Theory, Preference Elicitation
and Modelling, etc.)
during their stay, up to 25 selected doctoral students will receive
intensive training in three selected topics dispensed by three prominent
scholars; the participants will be given an opportunity to present
their own work and receive a feedback. Additional senior researchers
will stay for one or two days and give a talk. All presentations and
discussions will be in English.
Fee: the School is supported by the COST Action IC0602 “Algorithmic
Decision Theory”. The fee for students is 150 for the entire
stay (full pension). Travel expenses are not covered by the organizers.
Application: doctoral students, especially those in early stages of
their research, are invited to apply for participation to the School
by sending a short CV that mentions their background and their research
interests and/or achievements. Applications must be sent before February
20, 2007 to Salvatore Greco (
The scientific committee will select the participants on the basis
of their research interests and record. Priority will be given to
students from countries involved in the COST Action. Students who
already participated to the School organised in September 2007 can
apply again although priority will be given to new applications. Applicants
will be informed of the decision of the committee by March 10, 2007.
further details look at
2008: 1st Call for Papers
Nairobi, Aug. 7-11,2008
conference will highlight the vision, methods and policy adjustments
needed for ecological economics principles to be applied to the design
and management of environmentally and socially sustainable development
processes. The conference seeks to build capacity in this area in
developing countries in the face of increasing global change and interdependence.
Contributed papers are welcome, according to the following thematic
areas. Expanded abstracts must be submitted by March 31, 2008 through
the conference website, in Word or PDF format.
must include:
1) Paper title
2) Thematic area number and title (see below listing)
3) Author, institutional affiliation, country of origin
4) E-mail
5) Abstract (from 500 to 1000 words, including conceptual and methodological
approach and a summary of results and implications for ecological
acceptance, to be announced by April 30, 2008, full papers must be
submitted by June 15, 2008 to be included in the conference Proceedings.
Contributed paper authors are encouraged to join ISEE as part of the
paper submission process, for which they will receive a conference
more information please visit:
IASC 2008: Governing shared resources: connecting local experience
to global challenges
The 12th Biennial Conference of the International Association
for the Study of Commons. July 14-18, 2008
IASC 2008 global conference will take place in Cheltenham , England
. The conference will be hosted by the University of Gloucestershire
, with logistical support to be provided by the University's Countryside
and Community Research Unit (CCRU).
emphasis of the conference is the exchange of knowledge on shared
resources or ‘commons’: between developing and developed world, between
practitioners and researchers, and between old and ‘new’ commons.
The overarching theme of governing shared resources aims to encourage
discussion on new ways of using, managing, protecting and creating
what many understand as ‘commons’. The themes recognise the wide variety
of understanding over the term ‘commons’ and the need to link practical
experience at the local level with larger global commons issues.
detailed information visit:
erscp2008 - 12th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production
From 23 - 25 September 2008,
the 5th BMBF-Forum for Sustainability will present the 12th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption
and Production (erscp2008) in parallel to the traditional fora of the BMBF-Framework programme
"Research for Sustainability".
AND POSTERS 06/02/2008 - 28/04/2008
The 12th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production (erscp2008) is a three-day conference
at the interface of science, industry, public authorities and politics. The overall goals of the international
meeting are to facilitate innovations and to promote sustainable consumption and production by challenging
participants’ projects, ideas and approaches and by stimulating debate regarding their contribution to
sustainable development. Best-practice examples are shared, solution-driven opportunities are explored and
joint projects are initiated.
The conference will be part
of the 5th BMBF-Forum for Sustainability held in Berlin in September 2008 and will provide time and
space for an exchange of ideas between actors from politics, science, and industry and services.
detailed information visit:
3rd Atlantic Workshop on Energy and Environmental Economics CLIMATE CHANGE POLICIES AFTER 2012
The Research Group in Economics, Business and the Environment (rede) of the University of Vigo (Spain)
announces the 3rd Atlantic Workshop on Energy and Environmental Economics. The workshop will be held
on the island of A Toxa (near Vigo, in Galicia) on the 4-5 of July 2008 and will be appealing to
researchers, policy makers and other agents interested in the economic aspects of climate
change policies.
This year the guiding research subject of the workshop is Climate Change Policies after 2012.
The workshop will combine long lectures from prestigious researchers, invited papers by a leading
group of international academics, and submitted papers subject to previous acceptance by the scientific
Deadline for submission of theoretical or applied papers is May 5, 2008. Complete papers
should be sent by email (as pdf format) to, including: name, affiliation, email
address, abstract of less than 100 words, JEL codes and no more than 5 keywords. Acceptance
of papers will be notified by May 20, 2008. After this date, registration will be open
(with a fee of 200 Euro), and information on accommodation on the Island of A Toxa will be
posted in rede's web page
Advances in Energy Studies - Towards a holistic approach based on science and humanity
6th Biennial International Workshop: Invitation and Call for Papers, June 29 to July 2, 2008,
Graz University of Technology, Austria
This series of workshops – now at its 6th edition - aims at bringing
together experts from different disciplines for the discussion of the
latest results in research regarding energy technologies, energy
systems and their political, social and economical impacts. We aim at
sharpening the scientific focus and building a critical mass and
collaborative network among scientists researching energy issues. We
will discuss the question of future energy scenarios and their
implications in a circle of open minded people representing different
approaches in order to gain new momentum in these years as societal
attention once again shifts toward policy debates and decisions
concerning sustainable use of energy and resources and their
relationship to the economics of humanity and the future of the plant
as a convenient habitat.
Main topics will be:
- New, energy efficient strategies for energy services
- Design and evaluation of sustainable energy systems
- Interaction of various energy sources in networks
- Social and environmental aspects and assessments
- Future potentials of energy sources
- Energy, international relations and global economic developments
- Research and innovation strategies
- Global competition of food, energy and biodiversity for land areas
- Innovative technologies
More workshop themes will be included if proposed by participants or
if appropriate because oft the papers submitted.
The organisers of the workshop will do their best to concentrate the
discussion on needs and energy services for medium and long term
developments within the framework of a sustainable regional scale
economic and social development. The workshop will be a platform for
those who take the energy issue as a serious challenge to our and the
next generations and we are aware that a great number of scenarios
have to be discussed. This is why we invite acknowledged experts for
presentation of papers but also anyone who is interested to contribute
to the workshops. The event will be complemented with excursions to
installation of energy efficiency and renewable energy in the region
in order to learn from the day-to-day business.
The workshop is substantially sponsored by the Austrian Ministry for
Transport, Innovation and Technology. In order to be in consistency
with the workshop idea, the workshop will be organized as “Zero
Emissions Event”.
For more details visit