from the ESEE President Arild Vatn
First of all I will thank you for supporting my candidacy as president
for the ESEE. It is an honour and great opportunity to be involved
in leading an organization with such a creative membership. It is,
however, also very demanding. I enter the job with great respect
for all that has been done by those going before me. However, there
is also more to do. I feel very dedicated to the job and will put
much effort into developing the society further. However, I cannot
do this without the active engagement of you as members. There are
several issues I would like to address concerning building the ESEE
and strengthening ecological economics.
For now I will mention three issues regarding membership and membership
activities. First, ESEE membership is too low. There have been a
number of problems with the membership database in recent years.
This has now been fixed, but we need to work to get old members
back and recruit new ones. For this we call for your help. Sigrid
Stagl is putting together a flyer, which would be useful when informing
colleagues about ESEE. An electronic copy will be sent to all members
soon. Second, 10 posts to the ESEE Administrative Board are up for
election in 2006. This is a major round of elections and demands
engagement from the membership. A specific note from Wendy on this
is also posted in this newsletter. I would just like to emphasize
that these posts offer important and interesting challenges for
all of you. We recognize that the present board has better representation
in the west and north of Europe than in the south and east. While
this partly reflects the current membership, we would hope to redress
the balance in this round of elections. An election committee consisting
of Jouni Paavola, Felix Rauschmayer, Inge Röpke and Juan Sanchez
is set up not least to ensure that we get a competitive election.
However, the main route is to get nominations directly from the
Third, we need to strengthen the engagement of the membership in
the development of ESEE. Many of you do already contribute a lot
– for example work on committees, conferences, newsletter and lately
the summer school set up by ESEE. But more can be done. One idea
is to establish a system of country representatives to support the
board and the editor of the newsletter. Currently, the activities
of the board and of the editors are very dependent on their personal
contacts. We need to broaden these through such a system. The board
will get back to you on this issue when the elections are over this
fall. Finally, I would like to thank Fritz, Andrea and Ines who
have been so successful in financing and running our monthly newsletter.
The board has decided that the newsletter will mainly come in electronic
form in the future, although one issue per year will be on paper.
That one will be issued right before the ESEE/ISEE conferences respectively.
The editors – Andrea and Ines from now on – would (I am sure) appreciate
more inputs from members.
regards, Arild
for nominations to stand for election to the ESEE Administrative
terms of many members of the ESEE board are about to end. We therefore
propose to hold elections for 10 posts to the ESEE Administrative
Board. Elections take place in two phases. First, this announcement
is a call for nominations. Second, a vote of fully paid members
registered with the ISEE as ESEE 2006 members will be conducted
by mail ballot to decide amongst the nominated individuals.
board members are elected for a 3 year term and can expect to be
involved in: attending annual board meetings, work on two of the
four standing committees (conference & meetings, publications &
publicity, education, and fund raising & membership), producing
their own initiatives, supplying items for the ESEE Newsletter.
to the Board offers an opportunity to become involved in the running
and future direction of the ESEE.
standing for the Board have to be fully paid members and require
the agreed support of 5 fully paid current members of the ESEE.
Nominees should also provide a half page statement of their background
and intended contribution to the Board and Society.
should be sent to ESEE secretariat by email (,
or to the postal address Macaulay Institute, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen,
AB15 8QH, UK by 15th September 2006, and should include:
A list of 5 fully paid ESEE members who agree to support the candidates
A short statement of intent and background (12pt, single spaced,
in English)
details will be supplied (including possible website posting) as
part of the election process to ESEE members.
Warm regards, Wendy Kenyon (ESEE Secretary)
for ESEE 2007
Note that the registration for ESEE 2007 is
open now! Come and join us when we talk about "Integrating Natural
and Social Sciences for Sustainability" in Leipzig, Germany, from
5-8th June 2007. Keynote speakers include Elinor Ostrom, Malte Faber,
Dick Norgaard, Inge Roepke, Clive Spash, and Carl Folke. The first
deadline for submitting symposia is 20 September, the deadline for
submitting abstracts and papers is 20 November. Have a look at
and think about your contribution! (see also 4. Events)
ESEE conferences
you are interested in hosting one of the next ESEE conferences (2009
or 2011), please contact Sigrid Stagl,,
ph. ++44-1273-872784.
Research Centre on Steps to Sustainability in Sussex
Some of the biggest global challenges of the 21st Century lie in
how to combine environmental sustainability with better livelihoods
and health for poor people in developing countries, as well as how
to harness science and technology towards their wellbeing and social
justice. To address these issues the Economic and Social Research
Council (ESRC) announces the award of funding for a significant
new research centre - the Social, Technological and Environmental
Pathways to Sustainability (STEPS) Centre.
The centre, based at the Institute for Development Studies and Science
Technology Policy Research (SPRU) at the University of Sussex, will
see ESRC inject £3.8 million over an initial five-year period to
explore the pathways through which technologies, ecologies and social
systems interact and how these can be used to address some of the
global challenges facing us now.
For further information, contact: Professor Melissa Leach (IDS)
on 01273 678685,
or Professor Andy Stirling (SPRU) on 01273 877118,
New Project coordinated by UFZ (Felix Rauschmeyer)
A new project will start this autumn with heavy participation of
ESEE researchers: “Multi-level Governance of Natural Resources:
Tools and Processes for Water and Biodiversity Governance in Europe”
more information.
translation of ecological economics book
Common / Stagl: Ecological Economics. An Introduction, Cambridge
University Press, is currently being translated into Spanish. This
edition is expected to appear in 2007.
Paavola is moving to the Sustainability Research Institute (SRI)
Jouni Paavola is moving to the Sustainability Research Institute
(SRI), University of Leeds, from the Centre for Social and Economic
Research on the Global Environment (CSERGE), University of East
Anglia. At CSERGE, Jouni worked as a Senior Research Associate in
the Programme on Environmental Decision-Making, focusing on the
role of institutions and justice in environmental governance and
particularly in the governance of adaptation to climate change.
Jouni will take up a Lectureship in Sustainability in Leeds in September
2006, teaching environmental economics and climate change modules
for the MA in Ecological Economics and other postgraduate courses,
and continuing his research on environmental governance.