Solar Lakes Conference
24 to 27 September 2006 in Friedrichshafen at Lake Constance
Use of renewable energies in European lakes regions
is the focal point of the first Solar Lakes Conference which will
be organised by the Global Nature Fund from 24 to 27 September 2006
in Friedrichshafen at Lake Constance, Germany. One of the key issues
will be the development of alternative energies taking into account
aspects of nature protection. Experts from all over Europe will
report on the topics Energy efficiency in lake regions as
contribution to the climate protection, The use of renewable
energies in businesses, Intelligent use of energy in
tourism and Funding instruments for sustainable energy
systems. Outstanding examples and an excursion in the Lake
Constance region will complete the programme.
For booking until 19 September the registration fee amounts 100,00
EUR. Registrations for specific days - benefiting of a reduced participation
fee - are also possible.
Online registration is possible under
There you will also find the detailed conference programme.
Partners of the conference are Deutsche Umwelthilfe (German Environmental
Aid), Bodensee-Stiftung (Lake Constance Foundation) and the medium-sized
company Kärcher. The conference is being supported by the European
Union in the frame of Intelligent Energy Europe programme as well
as the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation
and Nuclear Safety.
For further information contact: Melanie Reimer, e-mail:
Ways Towards a Sustainable Post-Modern Society"
Workshop-Symposium of the European Sustainability Forum, 27th
to 30th of Sept. 2006
for a Sustainable Future: Alternative Paradigms and Visions - Guiding
Principles for a Future of Sustainability)
more information.
research priorities in support to the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries
One-Day conference in Paris, 24th October 2006
the principles of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries management
(EAF) are by now well established, and its first applications largely
underway, only limited attention has been devoted to the implications
of EAF for future research in support of the sustainable harvesting
of goods and services from marine ecosystems. In order to address
this issue, a prospective analysis of future research needs in support
of EAF was carried out by Ifremer.
The aim of the analysis was to explore possible evolutions in the
environmental, economic and institutional context in which marine
fisheries develop, and to identify associated key research areas.
The analysis focused on medium to long-term evolutions of societal
demand for scientific advice, and on the nature of the research
required in order to respond to these questions.
outcomes of this analysis will be presented and discussed during
a one-day conference in Paris, on the 24th October 2006. EAF field
experiences, as well as thoughts for research will be presented
by internationally recognised experts, and will serve as a basis
for an open discussion on future research in support of fisheries
management. Download
the Invitation and Registration form.
2007: Integrating Natural and Social Sciences for Sustainability
5-8 June 2007, UFZ - Centre for Environmental Research in Leipzig,
European Society for Ecological Economics (ESEE), in co-operation
with the German associations for ecological economics VÖÖ
and VÖW, invite you to meet in Leipzig for the 7th international
The conference will explore contemporary scientific approaches for
putting the concept of Sustainable Development into research and
into practice, and it will focus on bridging natural and social
sciences. It will address sustainability topics such as loss of
biodiversity, human vulnerability to global change and water problems
on all geographical and institutional levels. The conference aims
to contribute to a better understanding of societal and natural
processes and their interaction by integrating scientific methodologies
to overcome the shortcomings of disciplinary and multi-disciplinary
approaches. Impediments to inter- and transdisciplinary research
will be examined and new research concepts for sustainability identified.
that the registration for ESEE 2007 is open now! Come and join us
when we talk about "Integrating Natural and Social Sciences for
Sustainability" in Leipzig, Germany, from 5-8th June 2007. Keynote
speakers include Elinor Ostrom, Malte Faber, Dick Norgaard, Inge
Roepke, Clive Spash, and Carl Folke. The first deadline for submitting
symposia is 20 September, the deadline for submitting abstracts
and papers is 20 November. Have a look at
and think about your contribution!
Visit the conference
Student and Early Stage Researcher Workshop at ESEE 2007
3-5 June 2007, Leipzig
of the seventh ESEE conference in Leipzig Germany, a special two
and a half day workshop will be organized for and by PhD students
and Early Stage Researchers. The objectives of this workshop are
essentially three fold: (1) create and organize a student network
in the field of Ecological Economics, (2) confront students’ perspectives
on interdisciplinary science and the prospects of Ecological Economics,
(3) provide a forum for students to share experiences and stimulate
collaboration. The workshop's programme includes lectures, group
discussions and a field trip in the vicinity of Leipzig. Prof. Richard
Norgaard, Dr. Sigrid Stagl and Dr. Martin Drechsler will inspire
and provoke discussions with their presentations. More info on this
exciting event will be available on the ESEE 2007 conference web
site (
but mark the dates on your calendar now: June 3 to 5, 2007!
2006: Ninth Biennual Conference of International Society for Ecological
Economics on "Ecological Sustainability and Human Well-Being"
15-18 December, 2006, New Delhi.
Important dates:
- submission of abstracts: July 31, 2006
- intimation of acceptance: August 31, 2006
- submission of full paper: October 31, 2006
more information visit