1. Editorial
Editorial, by Nuno Videira: Reconnecting people and the economy with nature
2. News from ESEE and its members
Connecting the dots: mining, environmental justice and unequal ecological exchange
EJOLT online course: “Ecological Economics and Environmental Justice”
Waiting to be Heard: Preliminary Results of the 2012 Equity & Sustainability Field Hearings
New project: Sustainable Farm Systems
3. Hot topic
Ecological Economics and Illegal immigration, by Giorgos Kallis
IPBES-1 – First plenary meeting of the new global mechanism on biodiversity and ecosystem services, by Irene Ring
4. Events
Global Convergence on a Finite Planet - Call for Papers
ESEE 2013 Call for papers - Extended deadline: December 14, 2012
International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference "Just
Transitions: a global perspective", July 1-3, 2013 near Cape Town,
South Africa.
International Conference "Transformation in a Changing Climate", 19-21 June, 2013, University of Oslo, Norway
Annual European Postgraduate Symposium - "Sustainable Development
Symposium", February 13-15, 2013, "Parthenope" University of Naples,
5. Job openings
BHP Billiton Chair in Sustainable Global Resources
Scholarship call: "Challenges of Water Governance in the Arab Region"
6. Publications
Special issue of Landscape and Urban Planning on Urban Ecosystem Services has just been published
JIE Special Issue: Greening Growing Giants
Long Term Socio-Ecological Research. Studies in Society: Nature Interactions Across Spatial and Temporal Scales.
7. Students
ESEE Summer School, June 17-18, 2013, Reims, France
EAERE Summer School June 30 – June 6, 2013, Venice
UK Valuing Nature Network event, 19 March 2013
Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) - Careers in Sustainability Excellence
Student and early career networking
Student Research Exposé - Guilhem Roux
1. Editorial
Editorial, by Nuno Videira: Reconnecting people and the economy with nature
2012 draws to a close it is timely to review some of the year’s hot
issues and events, while looking also into the challenges and
opportunities ahead.
was at the epicentre of sustainable development conferences this year,
stirring up debate within and at the interfaces of
science-policy-society spheres. The political outcome document, ‘The
future we want’ (1), has been widely perceived as falling short of
expectations, postponing clear definition on the set of institutions
and norms with potential to become game-changers (e.g. definition of
Sustainable Development Goals, strengthening of the United Nations
Environment Programme, establishment of a high-level political forum
for sustainable development).
‘green economy’ turned into a buzzword spreading with substantial
appeal, but at the same time drawing a good share of controversy in
several fronts. For example, in his address to the 1st Plenary Meeting
of Rio+20, Jigmi Thinley, the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Bhutan,
considered it a concept ‘(…) with enough ambiguity to divide us on the
very issue of our survival that should unite us’. He pointed out the
complementary role to be played by necessarily stronger commitments at
sub-global levels and argued in favour of a new economic paradigm based
on well-being and happiness. An argument he also exposed during the
keynote speech to the ecological economics community attending ISEE
2012 in Rio de Janeiro in the preceding days (2).
society organisations and movements present in the ‘People’s Summit at
Rio+20 for Social and Environmental Justice’ opposed to the green
economy pathway and considered that ‘(…) the real alternatives are to
be found in our people, our history, our customs, knowledge, practices
and systems of production, which we must maintain, improve and scale
up…’ (3). The People’s Summit reclaimed more solidarity economies and
promotion of ‘buen vivir’ (living well) in harmony with nature. These
calls for new models of development, which increase people’s
capabilities to flourish, underscore the timeliness of participative
and co-operative research projects involving civil society
organisations, wherein the potential for ecological economics tools and
methods is explored ‘from the ground up’ (4).
place right before the ISEE 2012 conference, the ‘Forum for Science,
Technology and Innovation’, organized by the International Council for
Science, produced recommendations that stand at odds with the vision of
a green economy as an engine ‘for providing faster growth than a brown
economy’ (5). Peter Victor and Tim Jackson also elaborated on this
argument in Ecological Economics this year. They commented that it is
unlikely that reduced CO2 emissions and social equity will be
simultaneously met under assumptions of continuous economic growth.
This was mainly justified by the treatment of investments and the lack
of consideration for regional differentiation issues in UNEP’s
simulation model underpinning green economy scenarios (6). Clive Spash
poignantly added in Environmental Values that ‘In the green economy (…)
all things can be made compatible by ignoring the basic contradiction
between ever-expanding human activity and a finite world’ (7).
concept of ‘planetary boundaries’ recently expanded evidence on the
fundamental ecological economics premise of global biophysical
constraints met by a growing economic subsystem. With the planetary
boundaries framework rapidly diffusing into scientific, policy and
civil society arenas, Johan Rockström and Mattias Klum launched at
Rio+20 a coffee-table/tablet-ready book called ‘The Human Quest,
Prospering Within Planetary Boundaries’. Illustrating compelling
scientific insights with stunning photography, authors aim at increased
public awareness and send a sharp reminder for the need to reconnect
people’s values and lifestyles with the natural world. Meanwhile,
urgent challenges arise regarding the reform of global environmental
governance associated with planetary boundaries, as presented by the
range of theoretical approaches and empirical cases included in the
September Special Section of Ecological Economics (8).
the Kenneth Boulding Award Lecture at ISEE 2012, Mathis Wackernagel
argued that when an infinite-growth economy runs into a finite planet
‘debt boils over, the majority is left out, biodiversity is for sale
and food turns into a luxury’ (9). Interestingly, using Global
Footprint Network data and cost analysis, he connected the dots to show
how the Euro crisis in Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain is linked to a
dynamics of rapid increase of biocapacity deficit in these countries.
in Europe, the vibrant debate over socio-ecological transitions gained
momentum at the ‘3rd International Conference on Degrowth, Ecological
Sustainability and Social Equity’, which took place in Venice in
September. The conference held together multiple aspects of scientific
research and social practices where people are doing things
differently, downscaling material throughput while re-establishing a
sense of interdependence with others and nature, and changing
institutions at the root of the growth economy problems. A research
agenda for ecological economists was subsequently laid out in the
December Special Section of Ecological Economics on ‘The Economics of
Degrowth’ (10).
On the
road to Lille 2013, a set of key findings from ESEE 2011 in Istanbul
was reported in Environmental Policy and Governance (11), along with
several other stimulating works published throughout the year.
Meanwhile, preparations by the organizing committee of the 10th
Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics are well on
the way. Expect to listen distinguished keynote speakers addressing
topics of ‘institutions and institutionalism’, ‘environment-society
relationships’, ‘rethinking the role of science in society’,
‘redefining prosperity’ and ‘socio-ecological transitions’. Together
with parallel and focused special sessions, which will tap on many of
the issues discussed above, as well as other prominent topics, the
event is set to become yet another exciting ESEE conference.
Looking forward to seeing you next year in Lille!
(1) United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, Rio+20. Outcome document, Available at
(2) The address by His Excellency Jigmi Y. Thinley, Prime Minister of
the Kingdom of Bhutan, at the General Debate - 1st Plenary Meeting,
Rio+20 is available at: while the ISEE 2012 may be downloaded from
(3) The People’s Summit Final Declaration may be consulted at
(4) See for example the FP7 projects EJOLT - Environmental Justice Organisations, Liabilities and Trade ( and CEECEC – Civil Society Engagement with Ecological Economics (
(5) Recommendations and summaries from the ICSU sessions are available at:
(6) Victor, P. and Jackson, T. (2012). A commentary on UNEP’s Green Economy Scenarios. Ecological Economics, 77: 11-15
(7) Spash, C. (2012) Editorial: Green Economy, Red Herring. Environmental values, 21 (2): 95-99
(8) Galaz, V., Biermann, F., Folke, C., Nilsson, M., Olsson, P. (2012).
Global environmental governance and planetary boundaries: An
Introduction, Ecological Economics, 81: 1-3
(9) Matthis Wackernagel’s keynote lecture on ‘Economics of Global Auction’ is available at
(10)) Kallis, G., Kerschner, C., Martinez-Alier, J. (2012). The economics of degrowth. Ecological Economics, 84: 172-180
(11) Ozkaynak, B., Ring, I., Rauschmayer, F. (2012). Special Issue from
the European Society for Ecological Economics 2011 Conference:
‘Advancing Ecological Economics: Theory and Practice’, Environmental
Policy and Governance, 22: 293-294
2. News from ESEE and its members
Connecting the dots: mining, environmental justice and unequal ecological exchange
By Nick Meynen, Begum Ozkaynak and Beatriz Rodriguez-Labajos
A recurring connection in the dozens of blogs, nine podcasts, four
videos and a recent report produced by the European project EJOLT (1) is
the one between mining conflicts on a local scale with ecologically
unequal exchange on a global scale. EJOLT collaborator Professor
Patrick Bond, for example, explains the background to the shootings
in Marikana,
South Africa, where 34 mine workers were shot dead by the police on
August 16 and another 270 were arrested and charged with murder. He
places what happened in a staggering context of a country liberated
from official apartheid racism but then soon derailed by neoliberalism
and crony capitalism. We had professor Alf Hornborg in one of our nine
podcasts so far, explaining that: “In the seventies people like Samir
Amin said that in international trade there is a net transfer of
embodied labor time embodied in the produce exported from less
developed countries. Simply put: labor exploitation. I would add that
there is not only unequal exchange of labour-time but also unequal exchange of natural space” There's not only unequal exchange of land but also of energy and materials, and “virtual” water.
While the series of podcasts are 15-minute long introductions to the
issues we work on, our reports dig a lot deeper. The most recent EJOLT
report is called "Mining conflicts around the world. Common grounds from an Environmental Justice perspective".
This report aims at exploring contemporary mining conflicts in the
context of the environmental justice movement. This is done based on 24
real case studies from 18 different countries which are described by
local activists and scholars. While 17 of the reported cases focus on
conflicts related to metal mining (e.g. gold, silver, copper, zinc, and
lead), four address uranium mining and one refers to coal mining. As an
example of another frontier in the extractive industries, a sand mining
conflict from India is also reported. All of these cases are directly
chosen and reported, either in factsheets or in four cases in an
in-depth study format, by EJOs, as part of a knowledge sharing activity
well-established in EJOLT between EJOs and the academic community.
Although the cases covered are all quite unique and diverse in terms of
type of conflict and geographical setting, they all share a common
frame of analysis. First, the project and type of conflict are
characterized in a nutshell, with some basic factual background that
describes the companies involved, and the communities and locations
affected. The roots of the conflicts are explored next, as well as
relevant socioeconomic, cultural, health, and ecological impacts and
related community claims. Where relevant, means of resistance are also
specified with their influence on the project and on the outcome of the
conflict. The report then offers a synthesis of the described mining
cases, reviews their commonalities, links gained insights with research
needs and discusses some policy recommendations that might follow from
this analysis. Compiling such a diverse set of mining conflicts
building on EJO knowledge promotes mutual learning and collaboration
among stakeholders, EJOs and academia, which is one of the key
objectives of EJOLT. It also shows the link from environmental
justice movements to sustainability.
Another EJOLT report coming out soon will link mining, ecologically
unequal exchange and environmental liabilities even more explicitly,
based on the Yasuni case (see the EJOLT video).
(1) EJOLT stands for Environmental Justice Organisations, Liabilities
and Trade. This FP7 project (2011-15) is financed by the European
Commission. It supports the work of Environmental Justice Organisations
(EJOs) in four continents, uniting scientists, activist organisations,
think-tanks and policy-makers from the fields of environmental law,
environmental health, political ecology and ecological economics. The
focus is on the practical use of concepts such as ecologically unequal
exchange or ecological debt in environmental activism and
EJOLT online course: “Ecological Economics and Environmental Justice”
EJOLT is running an online course “Ecological Economics and
Environmental Justice”, taught through civil society organisation (CSO)
case studies across a broad range of topics with a particular focus on
the theme of environmental justice. It will run from mid/late January
to mid/late May (tbc).
This interactive online course takes place over sixteen weeks. It has
been designed for activists interested in understanding and applying
the tools of ecological economics and political ecology to their work,
and for researchers of the sustainability sciences interested in the
real world application of the concepts and methods of ecological
economics and political ecology in the field of environmental justice.
A fee to cover running costs will be charged. This will amount to
approximately 160€, The core text that will be used is Ecological
Economics from the Ground Up, due to be published in December by
The course will be taught in English, but assignments can be submitted in Spanish, French or Portuguese.
The deadline for applications is December 15, 2012.
For more information visit:
Waiting to be Heard: Preliminary Results of the 2012 Equity & Sustainability Field Hearings
do local communities in the developing world envision moving towards
sustainability? How do they experience inequality? How are these two
things related?
to be Heard: Preliminary Results of the 2012 Equity &
Sustainability Field Hearings” is now available for viewing or download
at the following link:
60 coauthors and based on discussions with over 2700 individuals in
communities across Asia, Africa and Europe, this report provides a good
snapshot of current conditions and thinking in relatively
underprivileged communities.
New project: Sustainable Farm Systems
did farmers maintain soil fertility as they cultivated the same land
over decades and centuries? How did they transfer energy and nutrients
across the landscape to fertilize crops? How did farmers structure
landscapes (field, pasture, woodland) to sustain communities, ensure
long-term productivity, and produce profits? The way Western
agriculture faced these challenges changed considerably over three
centuries. In the transition from traditional to industrial
agriculture, production and profits expanded but ecosystem functions
degraded, threatening long-term sustainability. Guidance about options
for sustainable agriculture resides in the rich historical record of
rural communities on either side of the Atlantic Ocean. The move from
traditional to industrial agriculture in the 19th and 20th centuries
was a major transformation. Researchers will investigate the drivers of
that transition, explore why it began at different times in different
places, and consider why the manufacturing sector industrialized
decades earlier than the agricultural sector. The project
Sustainable farm systems: long term socio-ecological metabolism in
western agriculture integrates scholars from across a broad range of
disciplines from Canada, the USA, Cuba, Colombia, Spain and Austria. It
draws upon multiple case studies of historical farm communities in
Europe, North America and Latin America will create a common database
of agricultural systems over the past 300 years. The research program
employs “socio-ecological metabolism” methods, an approach that views
farms as ecosystems and measures flows of energy and soil nutrients
through the landscape. This project’s overarching goal is to
understand the biophysical choices and trade-offs available to farmers
and the options that are possible for long-term sustainability. The
project is funded by the Canadian Social Science and Humanities
Research Councils (SSHRC Partnership Grant). It started with a kick off
workshop in June in Colombia and runs for a period of five years. The
Austrian subproject is coordinated by Fridolin Krausmann.
For more information:
3. Hot topic
Ecological Economics and Illegal immigration
by Giorgos Kallis
This is a hot topic, but not because of fervent research activity. On
the contrary: there isn’t any ecological-economic work on legal or
illegal immigration that I know of, after a special issue by Muradian
et al back in 2006 on migration and globalization. Illegal migration
though is a burning political issue and a disaster of humanitarian
proportions. Hundreds of people drown every year in the Mediterranean
Sea trying to reach Europe.
Ecological economics has had traditionally very little to say on
illegal immigration debates. Unfortunately when it does say something
it tends to be over-simplistic. Normally it takes implicitly the form
of immigration as a variable that increases P in the IPAT equation.
Since a high I is bad for the environment, well, illegal immigration
must be bad too. Some go even further and take Garrett Hardin´s
“lifeboat ethics” literally. According to this view each nation is a
lifeboat with a maximum I and hence a maximum P; unwelcome immigrants
are the extra P that should stay out of the lifeboat. In fact this is
what happens in Europe where kids from Africa drown without lifeboats
in the middle of the sea. And sadly, prominent ecological economists on
the other side of the Atlantic let their names feature in the advisory
board of the euphemistically called “Carrying Capacity Network”, an
organization whose extreme anti-immigrant rhetoric would shock most
members of ESEE.
Fortunately, not all ecological economists fantasize national
lifeboats. Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen for one had called for the banning
of borders and visas and for a right of free movement to all. For NGR
there are no illegal human beings. This is an idea repeated by Joan
Martinez-Alier on various occasions, and taken up by the 2nd
International Conference for Degrowth in Barcelona in 2010. What could
critical, social ecological economists offer to a better understanding
of the unfolding tragedy of illegal immigration?
A first task in which research has much to offer is the dismantling of
the lifeboat myth. NGR´s proposal reminds us that if there is a
lifeboat, this is planet Earth, and not any artificially bounded
nation-state. Let me offer here a few hypotheses that could be
empirically tested. First, assuming that one accepts a global
convergence of incomes as a noble goal, it is better if poorer people
get richer and consume more in richer countries, than in their home
countries. Richer, more developed countries use resources more
efficiently per unit of income. For Earth as a whole it is better if
Chinese get richer as immigrants in the U.S., than as Chinese in China.
Second, impoverished nations are much more vulnerable to climate
extremes. From a climate change adaptation perspective and a global
welfare viewpoint, it is better if more people migrate to rich nations
and are protected by the better infrastructures there, than if they
stay exposed in their own nations. Third, impoverished nations tend to
put more pressure on local environmental resources. There is a positive
feedback between poverty, social marginalization and pressure upon
marginalized ecosystems. If some of the people putting marginal
pressures can escape by becoming taxi-drivers in New York, so be it,
their pressure upon Central Park is likely to be smaller. Fourth,
immigrants of non-Western origin tend on average to live more
convivially than their Western counterparts. A large extended family
often shares a single housing unit. The household IPAT per immigrant
family member is much lower than that of their individualistic Western
hosts. Environmental impact per worker is likely to be lower the higher
the proportion of (poor) immigrants in a country’s workforce is.
The second area where EE has much to offer concerns the causes of
illegal immigration. Economists treat immigration as an individual
choice balancing the benefits with the costs of immigration. This will
raise some eyebrows among ecological economists. Still, an important
finding is that the so-called preference for domestic consumption
(sic), i.e. the desire of one to stay home, is an important part of the
calculus. Beyond the marginal earnings model of neo-classical
economics, most migrants, except some middle-class academics such as
myself, do not migrate for the fun or the marginal utility of it, but
because of a shock at the living conditions at their homes. Other
factors equal, save for such shocks most people prefer to stay home.
Ecological economists can analyse the contribution of ecological “push
factors”, such as environmental degradation, urban deprivation or
natural disasters, and their relation with a global economy of unequal
exchange and ecological debt. They can also link illegal migration to
“push factors” such as the oil wars and the oppressive regimes in the
Middle East and Africa. Ecological economists can also shed light on
“pull-factors” starting with the Marxian insight, shared by Herman
Daly, that within capitalist economies, there is a structural pull for
illegal immigration. In the absence of native population growth,
immigration keeps the costs of labour low, and illegal immigration even
more so. Daly however hints that illegal immigration should be
controlled precisely to reduce the exploitation of illegal immigrants.
In other words, people should be punished for their own good as if they
don’t know the exploitation they are getting into when they decide to
To me, NGR´s proposal makes more sense than Daly´s. With open borders,
immigrants would be subject to the same rights and obligations as
natives (not least in terms of social security and taxes), and hence
their costs will not be any lower than that of natives with the same
skills; it is their illegality that makes them cheaper. As less jobs
will be available for immigrants given their higher cost, the
pull-factor will decrease. Also a global convergence of labour costs
because of immigration will reduce the benefits of outsourcing and
hence reduce the negative environmental impacts of trade. Finally with
open borders, if rich nations wish to control immigration, an efficient
way of doing so will be to invest for development in the origin
countries and make unequal exchange more equal.
My article has been on purpose provocative. My intention has been to
shake lazy thinking around illegal immigration. Ecological economics as
I see it has nothing to do with reactionary national life-boat ethics
or hate-spreading views such as those of the Carrying Capacity Network.
New research on illegal immigration by European ecological economists
should make this as clear as possible.
IPBES-1 – First plenary meeting of the new global mechanism on biodiversity and ecosystem services
by Irene Ring
stands for “Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem
Services”. The first meeting of the Platform’s Plenary (IPBES-1) will
be held in Bonn, Germany from 21 to 26 January 2013. This new global
mechanism addressing the gaps in the science policy interface on
biodiversity and ecosystem services was officially established in
Panama in April 2012. The platform is the result of the follow-up
processes of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2001 – 2005) and the
IMOSEB-initiative on an International Mechanism of Scientific Expertise
on Biodiversity (2005 – 2007). With IPBES, the important field of
biodiversity and ecosystem services will also have a global mechanism
that, although being often compared to the long-existing
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), has been set up
differently in some of its features.
What are the major
tasks of IPBES? IPBES will respond to requests for scientific
information related to biodiversity and ecosystem services from
Governments, relevant multilateral environmental agreements and United
Nations bodies, and other relevant stakeholders. Governments have
agreed that the four major tasks of the platform will be:
• Biodiversity and ecosystem assessments: To perform regular
assessments of knowledge on biodiversity and ecosystem services and
their interlinkages;
• Knowledge generation: To identify and prioritize key scientific
information needed for policymakers and to catalyse efforts to generate
new knowledge on biodiversity and ecosystem services;
• Policy tools: To support policy formulation and implementation by identifying policy-relevant tools and methodologies;
• Capacity building: To prioritize key capacity-building needs to
improve the science-policy interface, and to provide and call for
financial and other support for the highest-priority needs related
directly to its activities.
The last point is quite crucial as it has been agreed that IPBES will
be financed through voluntary contributions only. A core trust fund
shall be established to receive voluntary contributions from
Governments, United Nations bodies, the Global Environment Facility,
other intergovernmental organizations and other stakeholders, such as
the private sector and foundations.
The first IPBES plenary meeting in January 2013 will aim to set up
major rules of procedures for the meetings of the platform, consider
further rules of procedure for the platform, elect Bureau and
Multidisciplinary Expert Panel members, and agree on the next steps by
which the IPBES work programme can become operational as soon as
The IPCC has formed the basis for many considerations in establishing
IPBES, both mechanisms share the same broad intentions, that is to
ensure the best available science and knowledge is made available to
governments and other decision makers. IPBES will also have strong peer
review processes in place, and will draw on multidisciplinary expertise
from around the globe. Important differences compared to the IPCC
relate to a broader scope of the IPBES assessments with stronger
elements of sub-global and thematic assessment than the IPCC
assessments. This is due to the importance of managing biodiversity and
ecosystem services at more local and regional scales than the climate.
Ensuring multi-stakeholder input, involving networks as well as
recognizing indigenous and local knowledge constitute explicit aims of
IPBES. Consequently, IPBES will have a stronger work programme on
capacity-building than does the IPCC presently.
Given IPBES’ inter- and multidisciplinary approach, incorporating all
relevant disciplines, including social and natural sciences, IPBES
represents an important mechanism for further engagement of ecological
economists interested in biodiversity and ecosystem services research.
For further information visit
4. Events
Convergence on a Finite Planet Conference, 21st-23rd February, 2013,
Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India - Call for Papers
that the sustainable development challenge is becoming increasingly
acute, in the face of population growth, escalating consumption, a
sharp rich-poor divide, environmental pressures, and climate change -
the CONVERGE project focuses on how a transition to global equity for
human society within the finite limits of our one planet (-
Convergence) might inform EU policy. The recent context of the failures
of the international SD processes at Rio to develop real ways forward
indicate that we cannot simply slide SDGs into the system and expect
radical change. From a Convergence perspective the way forward needs to
be constructed by taking on the challenges of the Brundtland report and
focussing on ’ Equity within Planetary Boundaries’. The issue of equity
and development has been the reef on which international cooperation
has foundered. Crucially, the discussions of the proposed Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) are bringing environment and development
agendas move closer together. This will greatly strengthen the ability
of a more united movement to work for the radical changes necessary for
all our futures.
Key Overall Question: Can Convergence be a
unifying frame for Environment and Development movements and
international agreements?
Specifically: how can Convergence contribute to the development of effective and equi table international Sustainable Development Goals?
Participants to cover their own travel an accommodation costs. For help
with arranging accommodation and Travel please contact
Event registration -
ESEE 2013 Call for papers - Extended deadline: December 14, 2012
The 10th International conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics “Ecological Economics and Institutional Dynamics” will be held in Lille (France), 18-21 June 2013. For more information visit the website:
International Sustainable Development Research Society Conference "Just
Transitions: a global perspective, July 1-3, 2013, near Cape Town,
South Africa
Global Research Forum on Sustainable Consumption and Production
(GRF-SPC) aims to organize a session, or a track of sessions, on SPC in
Africa. For the ISDRC call for papers visit:
International Conference "Transformation in a Changing Climate", 19-21 June, 2013, University of Oslo, Norway
More Information:
Annual European Postgraduate Symposium - "Sustainable Development
Symposium", February 13-15, 2013, "Parthenope" University of Naples,
More information:
5. Job openings
BHP Billiton Chair in Sustainable Global Resources
new UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources is UCL’s mechanism for
bringing together a wide range of perspectives, understandings and
procedures in research into the availability and use of natural
resources and the environment, transcending the boundaries between
academic disciplines. UCL now invites applications for the BHP
Billiton Chair in Sustainable Global Resources from candidates with an
outstanding record of research and publication in the sustainability of
resource use, with a strong background in either natural or social
science, or both.
Key Requirements: The suitable
candidates will have a background in the use and availability of
natural resources and sustainable development. The successful candidate
must be highly motivated with a track record in winning research
funding, probably including from research councils. They will also have
international experience and an international reputation, and are
likely to have worked across disciplines within the natural and
physical sciences, or across these and the social sciences. They are
also likely to have held prestigious research fellowships or other
comparable appointments. The successful candidate would be expected to
assume a leadership role within the UCL ISR, working closely with the
Institute Director and with a range of international research partners
and stakeholders in business and policy-making.
For further details please click here
Scholarship call: "Challenges of Water Governance in the Arab Region"
Mundus Partnership mobilities to Humboldt-Universität 2012. Fields of
studies, offers and “Call in Call” actions: Download the dull call
For more information, please contact: Prof. Dr. Andreas Thiel, email:,
heading the research group on Environmental Governance at Humboldt with
scientific interest in the transformation of water governance, natural
resource management and climate change policy ( )
6. Publications
Special issue of Landscape and Urban Planning on Urban Ecosystem Services has just been published
Landscape and Urban Planning has just published a special issue on Urban Ecosystem Services (vol. 109, no. 1):
The objective of this special issue has been to bring together the
various perspectives on the value of urban ecosystem services and
discuss the potential of merging and synthesizing these perspectives.
Ultimately, this should lay foundations for a more sustainable
management of ecosystem services in urban areas. The special issue
contains 11 articles referring to governance, economic valuation,
social issues and tools that support the management of ecosystem
services in cities. The editorial by the guest editors, Klaus
Hubacek and Jakub Kronenberg, puts these articles in the broader
context of research on urban ecosystem services.
articles have been authored by Henrik Ernstson, Pim Bendt, Stephan
Barthel, Johan Colding, Elisabeth K. Larson, Charles Perrings, Jan
Melichar, Kateřina Kaprová, Robert F. Young, E. Gregory McPherson,
James J. Connolly, Erika S. Svendsen, Dana R. Fisher, Lindsay K.
Campbell, Joanna Piwowarczyk, Jakub Kronenberg, Małgorzata Anna
Dereniowska, Daniele La Rosa, Riccardo Privitera, Adrienne
Grêt-Regamey, Enrico Celio, Thomas M. Klein, Ulrike Wissen Hayek,
Kathleen Gail Radford, Philip James.
JIE Special Issue: Greening Growing Giants
Ecology reaching out beyond the core industrial countries: A special
issue on Greening Growing Giants (eds. S.Hashimoto, M.Fischer-Kowalski,
S. Suh und X.Bai) searches for another more sustainable development
pathway for countries that now contain the majority of the world
population, and will soon dominate the world economy.
For more information:
Long Term Socio-Ecological Research. Studies in Society: Nature Interactions Across Spatial and Temporal Scales.
Term Socio-Ecological Research. Studies in Society: Nature Interactions
Across Spatial and Temporal Scales. Series: Human-Environment
Interactions, Vol. 2, Singh, S.J.; Haberl, H.; Chertow, M.; Mirtl, M.;
Schmid, M. (Eds.) 2013, XXXVII, 588 p. 107 illus., 42 in colour.” is
available as ebook now:
7. Students
ESEE Summer School, June 17-18, 2013, Reims, France
Preceding the ESEE 2013 conference in Lille, the University of Reims
Champagne-Ardenne (URCA) and ESEE will be organising a two day workshop
focused on postgraduate students. Linking to the conference theme, the
workshop theme will be Ecological Economics and Institutionalist
Approaches. The idea of the summer school is to bring together around
40 selected PhD and Masters students with 10 senior researchers from
within ESEE, providing space for discussion and exchange. Past
participants of ESEE summer schools, including the 2011 ESEE
pre-conference workshop in Istanbul, are particularly invited to join
as mentors who will buddy up with less experienced researchers.
The summer school will include two types of sessions: both lecture
slots with question-and-answer, and participatory workshops where young
researchers will be able to present their work, gather feedback from
others participants, and discussing key issues in Ecological Economics.
The participation at the summer school will provide ECTS.
Keynote speakers will include: Christian Barrère (URCA), Geoffrey
Hodgson (University of Hertfordshire, England), Jasper Kenter
(University of Aberdeen), Thierry Kirat (University of Paris 13),
Martino Nieddu (URCA), John O’Neill (University of Manchester), Clive
Spash (Vienna University) and Frank-Dominique Vivien (URCA).
Participation will be free for ESEE 2013 student conference
participants, and low cost accommodation will be arranged. To apply,
see the link below, or email . The application deadline is March 1st, 2013
More info:
EAERE Summer School June 30 – June 6, 2013, Venice
The European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
(EAERE), Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM) and Venice International
University (VIU) are pleased to announce their annual European Summer
School in Resource and Environmental Economics for postgraduate
students. The 2013 Summer School will take place from June 30th to July
6th, at the VIU campus on the Island of San Servolo, in Venice, located
just in front of St. Mark’s Square. The theme of this Summer School is
"Uncertainty, Innovation and Climate Change". Application is restricted
to 2013 EAERE members, both European and non-European citizens. Given
the highly interactive activities planned at the Summer School, the
number of participants is limited to 20. There is no participation fee.
All applicants can apply for a scholarship. For further
information on application and funding please access the Summer School
Website at
UK Valuing Nature Network event, 19 March 2013
UK Valuing Nature Network will have a large networking meeting on
Tuesday 19 March 2013, in London. The Valuing Nature Network management
team would like to invite you to come and we will have people from
academia, policy, business and non-governmental organisations there on
the day.
Speakers include: Professor Ian Boyd, Defra Chief
Scientific Advisor, Professor Gretchen Daily, Stanford University
(USA), Professor Sir Partha Dasgupta, University of Cambridge, Ian
Cheshire, CEO Kingfisher and Chair of the Defra Ecosystem Markets Task
Force. For more details and registration see
Marie Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) - Careers in Sustainability Excellence
consortium – (Marie Curie Initial Training Network) – invites
applications for 14 full-time research vacancies for early stage
researchers. Selected researchers are expected to undertake
transnational mobility in order to implement an Individual Research
Project at one of the consortium partner institutions, as well as to
participate in a joint network training programme. Call for
applications closes: December 31st 2012
Student and early career networking
To ease communication between student and early career ESEE members, we have set up an email list and LinkedIn discussion group.
Posting on either is open to all subscribers. The email list is
particularly meant for sharing events and announcement that may be
useful to other ESEE members. The LinkedIn group is particularly useful
for discussions and requests – e.g. you may be looking for useful paper
references, you may be looking for help or feedback in preparing
teaching materials, you want someone to informally review a paper, you
may be looking for funding sources etcetera. If you have any other
ideas for student and early career activities within ESEE, please
contact Jasper Kenter –
Student Research Exposé - Guilhem Roux
Tell us about yourself
a BA in Mathematics and Physics, I studied Economics at the
ENSAE-ParisTech. But at the end of my masters there, I felt very
disappointed by the epistemological and ethical hypothesis of orthodox
mathematical economics, and I decided to study philosophy. I’m now
trying to develop thoughts in economics and philosophy.
What are you researching?
I am researching strategies of governance for sustainable development.
In my PhD dissertation I am demonstrating that the institutions on
which political economy traditionally relies on, the Market, the
Administration and the Forum, aren’t adapted to the ecological stake.
They stem from the enlightenment in the 17e and 18e century and evolved
to respond to social crisis but they are not effective enough in
addressing the ecological crisis today.
I’m working now on the potential of judicial institutions in terms of
addressing ecological issues. The social authority of judges and the
courts is something that hasn’t been the focus of much attention in the
literature, I think. Yet, these institutions are traditionally very
powerful in European countries since Roman times, and are proving to be
particularly sensitive to ecological stakes, as is illustrated by the
contemporary development of environmental law. I think that these
institutions deserve more attention in our research of institutional
strategies for environmental governance.
If you were in charge of the world economy for one day, tell me one thing what you would do and why?
If I were in charge of the world economy for one day, I would wake up
very early because I would try to do many things… I would create green
courts so that environmental law would really be implemented, victims
of environmental degradation be listened to and those responsible for
this degradation convicted. I would create regional currencies managed
by local public banks, in order to develop and foster local economies,
where the distance between producers and consumers is small,
commodities aren’t obliged to travel all around the planet and
employment is not susceptible to be delocalised. I would concentrate on
education for sustainable development, so that the majority of people
on earth becomes aware of natural constraints and the necessity to
change actual social habits. And if I have enough time, before
sleeping, I would try to publicly privilege arts, philosophy and
culture as means of human flourishing, far away from the contemporary
devotion to consumption and money spread by mass media.
Tell me one thing that you think many ecological economists don’t realise, but should.
I sometimes think that ecological economists don’t concentrate enough
on the political dimension of the problem. They are not sufficiently at
ease about the matter of institutions, power and governance. Yet, our
unsustainable society is also the result of the behaviour of some
dominant corporations and social classes who today have the power to
impose on everybody a certain way of life which is in fact particularly
advantageous for themselves. We need to understand the mechanism of
authority, governance and institutions if we want new ways of live to
emerge, and sustainability not being only a dream but becoming a
Guilhem can be contacted at
Are you a student and are you interested in a short exposé of your
research? Then please contact Jasper Kenter, ESEE student
representative, at